*REMOTE* CMS Open Data Workshop for Theorists at the LPC
Feedback survey: https://forms.gle/m4Hmw8oCvSTR8Fj17
The CMS Open Data Workshop for Theorists will take place on September 30-October 2, 2020. It will be ZOOM ONLY.
In 2014, CMS released a significant amount of data through the CERN Open Data Portal, available to anyone to analyze as they saw fit. In 2017, a theory group at MIT published two peer-reviewed publications using this data, prompting renewed discussion as to how to make these open datasets easier to work with by non-CMS analysts. The goal of this workshop is to lower the threshold for access to these data for theorists and phenomenologists. Attendees will be lead through the steps of how to login to the CERN virtual machines, run the CMS analysis software, and perform the basics of an analysis. All exercises will be hands-on and participants should be prepared to dive into the data right away. Time will also be spent brainstorming with attendees about how the entire process of accessing and analyzing the data could be made more useful for the broader HEP community.
Please join us and register before the deadline of September 23rd.
Everyone has to follow Fermilab's code of conduct:
Organizing Committee:
Matthew Bellis (Siena College)
Edgar Carrera (U. San Francisco de Quito)
Kati Lassila-Perini (U. of Helsinki)
Jesse Thaler (MIT)
Local Organizing Committee:
Gabriele Benelli (Brown U.)
Christian Herwig (Fermilab)
Julie Hogan (Bethel U. and Brown U.)
Clemens Lange (CERN)
Andrew Melo (Vanderbilt U.)
Nada Mohamed (Siena College)
Stephen Mrenna (Fermilab)
Kevin Pedro (Fermilab)
Emanuele Usai (Brown U.)
David Yu (Brown U.)
LPC Events Committee:
Gabriele Benelli (Brown U., Co-Chair)
Kevin Pedro (Fermilab, Co-Chair)
LPC Coordinators:
Cecilia Gerber (UIC)
Sergo Jindariani (Fermilab)
Abderrazaq El Abassi
Achim Geiser
Aditya Nath Mishra
Alba Soto-Ontoso
Alejo Rossia
Allan Jales
Ambar Rodriguez Alicea
Andrew Larkoski
Andrew Malone Melo
Anup Kumar Sikdar
Ayodele Ore
Bharadwaj Harikrishnan
Brian Omar Cruz Rodriguez
Brian Shuve
Camellia Bose
Cari Cesarotti
Charanjit Kaur
Christian Herwig
Clemencia Mora Herrera
Conett Huerta Escamilla
Daneng Yang
Daniel Ernani Martins Neto
Daniel Tapia Takaki
Diego Alberto Coloma Borja
Dimitri Bourilkov
Diogo Buarque Franzosi
Edgar Fernando Carrera Jarrin
Eduardo Brock
Eliza Melo Da Costa
Emanuele Usai
Fanqiang Meng
Flip Tanedo
Frederic Alexandre Dreyer
Gabriel Corrêa
Gabriele Benelli
Gustavo Gil Da Silveira
Haipeng An
Harri Waltari
Humberto Reyes-González
Jasim Afnan Predhanekar
Jesse Thaler
Johnathan Gargalionis
Jorge Andrés Medina Moreira
Jose Andres Monroy Montanez
Julie Hogan
K.C. Kong
Kajari Mazumdar
Keziban Kandemir
Konstantin Matchev
Kristin Marie Dona
Leonardo Cristella
Lizardo Valencia Palomo
Marguerite Belt Tonjes
Maria Vittoria Garzelli
Matthew Bellis
Miaoyuan Liu
Michael Chang Gordon
miguel cifuentes
Mohan Sundar B
Márcio Mateus Jr
Nada Sherif Hatem Mohamed
Nadeesha Wickramage
Nick Manganelli
Nishita Desai
Ohannes Kamer Köseyan
Orcun Kolay
Patricia Rebello Teles
Patrick Komiske
Philipp Englert
Prabhat Solanki
Pranav Sistla
Prasanth Shyamsundar
Rahmat Rahmat
Samuel May
Sandro Fonseca De Souza
Sanmay Ganguly
Scott Thomas
Sezen Sekmen
Shufang Su
Steve Mrenna
Suchita Kulkarni
Sudeshna Banerjee
Tamas Almos Vami
Thomas Gaehtgens
timothy raben
Tonatiuh Garcia Chavez
Tulio Kuhn
Xabier Feal
Xavier Coubez
Yoxara S. Villamizar
Zhen Liu
Zongjin Ong