Slides on the CERN-Solid collaboration for OSSYM === --- ## The CERN-Solid collaboration Presentation at the Open Search SYMposium (OSSYM) 2020/10/12 [Event details]( Maria Dimou – CERN-Solid collaboration manager with contributions from CERN web application developers and Jan Schill - MSc student [in the CERN-Solid code investigation project]( --- ## World Wide Web - What happened * The Web was invented at CERN by [Sir Tim Berners-Lee (TimBL)]( in 1989. * He defined it as a **free, open, networked Internet application**. * The Web produced an uprecedented change to human civilisation. * 30 years later, the original purpose of the Web "access to knowledge, free for all and respecting each one" is being violated. * TimBL proposed _Solid_, the open source platform aims to give people control over their data. --- ## The first ten years * TimBL went to MIT to create the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in 1994. * In the [CERN Web Office](, till 1999 we: * ran TimBL's httpd - followed by the Apache web server with virtual hosting, on Unix platforms. * negotiated a free-of-charge Netscape browser support contract. * deployed _pinaweb_ (Personal Intelligent Newspaper Agent) (a web profile by CERN student Heidi Schuster). * investigated Web-based calendars * recommended HyperNews for collaborative work * and more... --- ### Web Search at CERN * CERN student Darius Kogut wrote [_Torch_](, a search engine parsing natural english language in 1998. * This development was an intellectual satisfaction; relationship with other disciplines, the understanding of rich human language by the search engine. * As the Web was in exponential growth, we couldn't go far with in-house development. * So we evaluated Lycos and Altavista... they left a lot to desire. * Finally we signed a negligeable-charge contract with _Infoseek_, then _Inktomi_. [Slides from 1999]( --- ### Web Search in general * Search was "innocent" at the time; * companies didn't make money out of offering, withholding, manipulating information on the web. * Google didn't exist yet. * The search results were irrelevant or incomplete, still they were what existed and not what the engine would like to show the user. * Surveillance and intrusion were not yet terms we were conscious of. --- ### CERN & Web standardisation since the year 2000 * Computing focus at CERN was turned to the huge amount of data produced at the LHC. * Proposals for a CERN-W3C collaboration remained without answer for 25 years. The suggestions were: * to combine use of the https protocol for physics' data transfer and remote access to storage with W3C standardisation work. [Details]( * to contribute design concepts in CERN applications in areas like the Data Catalogue Vocabulary, cross-service inter-operability and Authentication/Authorisation rules and restrictions. [Details]( * Things seem better now. --- ### Solid - What is * TimBL announced the Solid project (Social Linked Data) in 2016, aiming to give people control over their data. His summary: * This is an open source platform, adding standards never put into the original web spec, including: * Global single sign-on, * Universal access control * A universal data API so that any app can store data in any storage place. * Socially, Solid is a movement towards a world in which users are in control, and empowered by large amounts of data, private, shared, and public. --- ### CERN-Solid collaboration - born this year 2020. CERN packages relevant to Solid spec's for evaluation: * The CERN _push notifications_, unilateral, via subscription and archived. * _Indico_, an event management open source platform, with 20 years of operational status. * _CS3MESH_, a pan-European cross-institution mesh that will offer data sharing/co-editing facilities, relying on the federation of different sites by using well-known APIs. * _InvenioRDM_, a Research Data Management, open source platform for persistent registration of research papers and data. * _The new CERN Authentication_ project. Web pages of the above in the "References" at the end. --- ### Activities now MSc student Jan Schill from started working on [this project]( Goals include: 1. understanding which Solid specifications are ready and clear. 2. evaluating the first Solid implementations. 3. making a recommendation to the CERN open source applications on Solid adoption (or not). 4. exploring Indico, to test the Solid principles, by: * modifying-ala-Solid the _Indico registration form_ module, so that registration data belong to the user and not to Indico. * enriching _Indico meeting_ pages with Solid-based content, such as comments. Indico-related suggestions by TimBL and [Pedro Ferreira]( --- ### Search-related work in Solid * In Solid, data is stored in [Pods]( * Current and planned work in Solid includes: 1. The 'Search UI' item in TimBL's roadmap (next slide) - client-side interface, for searching in one's own pod. 2. Server-side pod-wide search functionality by Fred Gibson for the TrinPod implementation of a Solid server. 3. Solid-user-search for searching a person (like in a phonebook) 4. hashtag-search, for content that is related to a given hashtag. For design details and development status contact [Michiel de Jong]( --- ### Solid (evolving) roadmap ![]( --- ## References I [1] The original Web proposal [2] The CERN-Solid Indico category [3] The Solid project web site [4] The CERN Web Office (most data missing today) [5] The CERN Torch search engine [6] CERN-W3C 2014 proposal [7] CERN-W3C 2017 proposal --- ## References II [8] Push notifications archaeology - proposal in 2003 [9] Push notification proposal in 2020 [10] Linked Data Notifications: [11] The WebSocket Protocol: [12] Indico [13] The Road to the new CERN Identification [14] CS3 MESH [15] InvenioRDM