Honexcomb meeting 25 February
• 10 people in the room
• 24 connected
-> Comments to the talk of Giulia:
• D. Perepelitsa: “Tensions” are also visible several jet measurements and we should discuss them in one of the following meetings
-> Comments to the talk of Shengquan
• Slide 7: Dennis Perepelitsa points out that he has a paper with Peter Steinberg on the biases
* Z0 and W measurements in peripheral collisions can help to clarify the biases which are present in a more data-driven way; other measurements also considered.
* It was mentioned that the brief meetings just before the new collision systems runs
were very useful in the past, and when not done (like in XeXe) the results from the experiments
were less consistent. Honexcomb could be a good platform where these discussions take place.
* Several proposals for future discussions:
- the event selections for ultra-peripheral collisions
- constituent quark models for centrality determination
- in-depth discussion on biases in peripheral collisions
- involve theorists in the discussion, also to know what they are mostly interested into.
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