The international network meeting GDRI EUREA 2020 will be held in Nantes, France, from July 12 to July 18, 2020.
There will be first a mini-workshop (July 13-15) focussing on the space-time structure of ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions and Femtoscopy.
It will be followed by a mini-workshop on Heavy Flavor (July 15-17).
The GDRI is an international network for heavy ion physics representing seven french institutions in Nantes (twice), Lyon, Grenoble, Orsay, Clermont-Ferrand, Saclay), and ten foreign ones in Varsowie, Dubna, Moscou (twice), Kiev, Utrecht, Francfort, Torino, Padova, Bari. The network covers the development of theoretical tools (simulation models) as well as experimental techniques.