CMS Virtual Visit from Greece_ POSTPONED
Friday 27 Mar 2020, 11:00
3562 R-020 (CERN)
3562 R-020
CMS Posters
CMS Brochure (Greek)
Facts about CMS (English)
Set of CMS Posters (English)
Set of CMS Posters (Greek)
TED-Ed animations: lessons worth sharing
Big Data
Dark matter: The matter we can't see
The basics of the Higgs boson
The beginning of the universe, for beginners
What happened to antimatter?
Engineering (playlist)
Introduction to CMS (playlist)
Physics (playlist)
Recorded event: CMS-VIDEO-2019-006-001 on CDS
Six ways to look for the Higgs Boson (playlist)
Tour of CMS (Greek subtitles)
CMS news
History of CMS
Scale of the Universe
The ABC's of Particle Physics
The Higgs Boson
The agenda of this meeting is empty