Quoted from cern twiki, refer to the slides for some changes in the setup (considering the powheg.input and Born_phsp.f files): Download POWHEG and bbH process folders svn checkout --username anonymous --password anonymous svn://powhegbox.mib.infn.it/trunk/POWHEG-BOX-V2 cd POWHEG-BOX-V2 svn co --username anonymous --password anonymous svn://powhegbox.mib.infn.it/trunk/User-Processes-V2/bbH cd bbH Compile it 1. setup compiler with command "cmsenv" issued for example, in CMSSW_8_0_22/src 2. in bbH folder edit Makefile to provide link on CMS lhapdf-config: LHAPDF_CONFIG=/cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/slc6_amd64_gcc530/external/lhapdf/6.1.6/bin/lhapdf-config 3. if you run on lxplus use in Makefile OPT=-O0 after line ifeq ("$(COMPILER)","gfortran") 4. to have YR4 QCD scale copy to your bbH dir: cp /afs/cern.ch/user/a/anikiten/public/POWHEG/Born_phsp.f . 5. compile with command: make pwhg_main produce lhe event file 1. go to testrun directory under bbH directory 2. cp /afs/cern.ch/user/a/anikiten/public/POWHEG/powheg.input 3. change the Higgs mass as you like in powheg.input and modify accordingly hdamp: hdamp = 1/4 (mH+2mb); change Higgs width as you like. 4. generate event with command: ../pwhg_main either in parallel mode (4 steps with changing in powheg.input parameter, parallelstage 1, 2, 3, 4) or in one shot: parallelstage 0; see manual)