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Spring workshop on gravity and cosmology

from Monday 25 May 2020 (09:55) to Friday 29 May 2020 (17:25)
Jagiellonian University

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
25 May 2020
26 May 2020
27 May 2020
28 May 2020
29 May 2020
session I (until 17:50) ()
10:00 reception   ()
10:25 The (glorious) past, (exciting) present and (foreseeable) future of gravitational wave detectors. - Giacomo Ciani   ()
11:15 --- coffee break ---
11:45 Probing the Physics of the Early Universe with Gravitational Wave Experiments - Gianmassimo Tasinato   ()
12:35 Gravitational-Wave Implications for the Parity Symmetry of Gravity at GeV Scale - Yifan Wang   ()
13:00 --- lunch break ---
14:00 some new results on quasinormal modes of black holes - Aurélien Barrau   ()
14:50 Theory confronts Observations: Cosmology in the era of the Swampland - Suddhasattwa Brahma   ()
15:15 --- coffee break ---
15:45 Physical implications of a fundamental period of time - Martin Bojowald   ()
16:35 Quantum fluctuations of the compact phase space cosmology - Sean Crowe   ()
session II (until 19:05) ()
10:00 A consistent theory of D -> 4 Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity - Prof. Shinji Mukohyama (YITP, Kyoto University)   ()
10:50 Quantum Ostrogradsky theorem - Hayato Motohashi   ()
11:15 --- coffee break ---
11:45 Gravitational Waves from Cosmological B-L Breaking - Kai Schmitz   ()
12:35 Ongoing Efforts to Constrain Lorentz Symmetry Violation in Gravity - Nils A. Nilsson   ()
13:00 --- lunch break ---
14:00 CDT, a theory of quantum geometry. - Prof. Jan Ambjørn (Bohr Ins.)   ()
14:50 Loop-based observables in 4D CDT - Zbigniew Drogosz   ()
15:15 --- coffee break ---
15:45 Cosmic Fibers and the parametrization of time in CDT quantum gravity - Daniel Németh   ()
16:10 Spectral Analysis of Causal Dynamical Triangulations via Finite Element Methods - Giuseppe Clemente   ()
16:35 4-D Gauss Bonnet from an Amplitudes Perspective - Laura Johnson   ()
session III (until 17:50) ()
10:00 Looking for a healthy nonsingular bounce - Prof. Yifu Cai (University of Science and Technology of China)   ()
10:50 Stable Cosmology in Generalised Massive Gravity - Michael Kenna-Allis   ()
11:15 --- coffee break ---
11:45 Gravitational footprints of massive neutrinos and lepton number breaking - Antonino Marciano   ()
12:35 Cosmology with unparticles: Bounces, inflation, cyclic Universe and dark energy - Michal Artymowski   ()
13:00 --- lunch break ---
14:00 Some aspects of stochastic background of gravitational waves - Dr Shi Pi (IPMU, Tokyo University)   ()
14:50 Induced gravitational waves in general cosmologies - Dr Guillem Domenech (Heidelberg university)   ()
15:15 --- coffee break ---
15:45 Big Bounce and inflation from spin and torsion - Nikodem Poplawski   ()
16:35 Proof of the quantum null energy condition for free fermionic field theories - Taha Malik   ()
session IV (until 18:15) ()
10:00 Testing Inflation with Primordial Messengers - Mr Matteo Fasiello (ICG)   ()
10:35 Gravitational waves from inflation - Ms Ema Dimastrogiovanni (New South Wales U)   ()
11:15 --- coffee break ---
11:45 Searching for gravitational wave bursts from cosmic string cusps with the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array - Sachiko Kuroyanagi   ()
12:35 Gravitational Waves from a Rolling Axion Monodromy - Ogan Ozsoy   ()
13:00 --- lunch break ---
14:00 Anisotropies and non-Gaussianity in Cosmic Microwave and Gravitational-Wave Backgrounds - Sabino Matarrese   ()
14:50 Constraining the inflationary field content - Laura Iacconi   ()
15:15 --- coffee break ---
15:45 Testing Cosmology with Gravitational Waves - Macarena Lagos   ()
16:35 Probing Gravitational Couplings in Dark Energy Theories - William Wolf   ()
session V (until 17:25) ()
10:00 The universe as a quantum gravity condensate and effective cosmological dynamics - Daniele Oriti   ()
10:50 Approximate Killing symmetries in non-perturbative quantum gravity - Marcus Reitz   ()
11:15 --- TBA ---
11:45 Possible observational consequences of Planckian granularity - Alejandro Perez   ()
12:35 Disformal transformations in modified teleparallelism - Maria Jose Guzman   ()
13:00 --- lunch break ---
14:00 Quantum fate of the BKL scenario - Włodzimierz Piechocki   ()
14:50 --- coffee break ---
15:20 Stochastic shear in bouncing cosmologies - Julien Grain   ()