HonexComb meeting #3

Tuesday, March 31, 2020 - 3:00 PM
CERN (53/R-044)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
Mar 31, 2020
3:00 PM Welcome - Giulia Manca (Universita` degli studi di Cagliari and INFN, Cagliari, IT) Iwona Grabowska-Bold (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL)) Raphael Granier De Cassagnac (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) Alexander Philipp Kalweit (CERN)   (53/R-044)
3:10 PM Towards a charm total cross-section - Jiayin Sun (Tsinghua University) Gian Michele Innocenti (CERN)   (53/R-044)