We present results on the anisotropic transverse flow of kaons ($K^+$, $K^0_S$ and $K^-$) in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}} = 2.42\,\mathrm{GeV}$ measured with HADES. It was proposed already in the mid-nineties that kaon flow close to its production threshold might be a good probe for the kaon-nucleon potential and, consequently, for the nuclear equation-of-state (PRL 74 (1995)...
HYDRA (HYpernuclei Decay at R3B Apparatus) is a physics program within the R3B collaboration at the decay spectroscopy of hypernuclei produced from heavy-ion collisions at GSI/FAIR. The program aims at measuring with high resolution the in-flight pionic decay of light and medium mass hypernuclei. The pion tracker is conceived as a time projection chamber(TPC) inside the GLAD magnet of the R3B...
ALICE determines the scattering parameters of D mesons with light-flavor hadrons
Daniel Battistini for the ALICE Collaboration
The strong interaction among D mesons and light-flavor hadrons was completely out of experimental reach until recently. The scattering parameters governing elastic and inelastic D-pion/kaon/proton collisions are completely unknown. This poses strong limitations...
The production of (anti)deuterons in relativistic heavy-ion collisions is still theoretically not well understood. The particle yield can be qualitatively described by two different mechanisms of particle creation. The first of the two, the coalescence model, describes the (anti)deuteron’s creation as a result of final-state interactions among (possibly off-shell) nucleons after the chemical...
We present two methods, the Nucleon-Lambda Tamm Dancoff Approximation (NL TDA) and the Equation of Motion Phonon Method (EMPM) suitable for calculating hypernuclear energy spectra and structure. These methods are applicable for hypernuclei of wide range of masses with one Lambda particle replacing one nucleon in an even-even nuclear cores. Using an effective Lambda-nucleon potential both...
Missing-mass spectroscopy by using the $(e,e^{\prime}K^{+})$ reaction was developed at Jefferson Lab (JLab). The energy resolution of 0.5 to 1 MeV/$c^{2}$ in FWHM is achievable thanks to a high quality beam provided by JLab and high resolution spectrometers dedicated to hypernuclear measurements. In addition, one of important features is an accurate energy calibration by using $\Lambda$ and...
The existence of the bound state of iso-triplet three-body hypernucleus $\Lambda$nn attracts attention since possible events were reported by HypHI collaboration at GSI. Missing-mass spectroscopy with the $(e,e^{\prime}K^{+})$ reaction has been performed at Jefferson Lab (JLab) to investigate the $\Lambda$nn hypernucleus (JLab E12-17-003 Experiment). A tritium gas of 0.1 g enclosed by a target...
Electroproduction of hypernuclei is an object of current interest. Precise and reliable predictions of the cross sections in hypernucleus electroproduction are important both in planning experiments and data analysis. We will discuss some uncertainties in description of the reaction mechanism based on impulse approximation, particularly, we will show effects of proton motion in the target...
Physicists investigate the subatomic world by bombarding their subject of study with a hail of tiny subatomic “bullets”. From the way these “bullets” bounce off their target one can infer a wealth of detailed information about the target’s structure. Different kinds of subatomic “bullets” probe different aspects of the target, certain important aspects of the force holding atomic nuclei...
As a recent topic of heavy flavor systems, exotic charmonia called $X,Y,Z$ have been observed experimentally above the meson-meson threshold. Masses of $X,Y,Z$, however, are not reproduced by the Cornell potential only with the degrees of freedom of $\bar{c}c$. This indicates that the $X,Y,Z$ states have coupled channel effects of $\bar{c}c$ and meson-meson states strongly.
Because of the...
We employ a feed-forward artificial neural network (ANN) to extrapolate, at large model spaces, the hypernuclear No-Core Shell Model results of Refs. Few-Body Syst, 55 (2014) 857 and Few-Body Syst. 62 (2021) 94 for the $\Lambda$ separation energies of the lightest hypernuclei, $^3_\Lambda$H, $^4_\Lambda$H and $^4_\Lambda$He, obtained with chiral nucleon-nucleon and hyperon-nucleon...
We are going to perform missing mass spectroscopy of various $\Lambda$ hypernuclei using the $(e,e'K^{+})$ reaction at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab). This experimental campaign contains the first measurement of medium-mass hyperisotopes of $^{40}_{\Lambda}\mathrm{K}$ and $^{48}_{\Lambda}\mathrm{K}$ using isotopically enriched calcium target [JLab E12-15-008]. The...
At K1.8 beam line in the Hadron Hall of J-PARC, high-precision missing-mass spectroscopy for $\Xi$ hypernuclei ( J-PARC E70 experiment ) is in preparation. In the J-PARC E70 experiment, the high-intensity $1.8 ~{\rm GeV}/c$ $K^{-}$ meson beam will be used for production of $\Xi$ hypernuclei ($^{12}_{\Xi}$Be) via $(K^{-}, K^{+})$ reaction. A newly installed magnetic spectrometer "S-2S" has a...
Measurement of density of emulsion layer is very important for analyzing double strangeness hypernuclei. Because the mass of double hypernucleus is reconstructed by measuring the kinetic energy which is converted from the range of decay daughter nuclei in nuclear emulsion plate using range-energy relation. Alpha tracks from thorium and uranium series, which have monochromatic energy, were used...
The hypertriton ($^3_\Lambda$H) lifetime puzzle stands for the deviation between the physical picture derived from the binding energy in the old emulsion experiment and the measured lifetime in heavy-ion experiments. To pin down the hypertriton lifetime puzzle, it is clear that an independent experimental approach is needed to improve the situation. We plan to populate and measure the...
One of methods to study the properties of hot and dense nuclear matter created in high-energy nuclear collisions is femtoscopic measurements. This method provides information about space-time characteristics of the particle emission region, which has a size and lifetime of the order of $10^{-15}$ m and $10^{-23}$ s, respectively. From non-identical particle correlations, one can obtain...