5th ComHEP: Colombian Meeting on High Energy Physics

from Monday 30 November 2020 (06:20) to Friday 4 December 2020 (21:20)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
30 Nov 2020
1 Dec 2020
2 Dec 2020
3 Dec 2020
4 Dec 2020
Opening session - Carlos Sandoval Usme (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) Gabriela Alejandra Navarro (Universidad Antonio Narino (CO)) (until 13:15) ()
09:00 50 years of the GIM mechanism - Luciano Maiani (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   ()
10:00 Black Holes in the Milky Way - Jessica Lu (University of California-Berkeley)   ()
11:00 --- Break ---
11:15 Gauge Theories on Quantum Computers - David Berenstein (University of California at Santa Barbara)   ()
12:15 Higgs Physics at the LHC: status and prospects - Reina Coromoto Camacho Toro (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   ()
Formal theory - Andrés Fernando Castillo Ramirez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) Alexander Moreno Briceño (Universidad Antonio Nariño) (until 11:15) ()
08:00 EFTs: Bounding the systematic uncertainties of the Inverse Amplitude Method - Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada   ()
08:30 --- Questions ---
08:40 Scattering Amplitudes: QCD and gravity applications - Dr William J. Torres Bobadilla (IFIC CSIC-UV)   ()
09:10 --- Questions ---
09:20 --- Break ---
09:35 Algebraic approach to scattering amplitudes - Cristhiam Lopez Arcos   ()
09:55 Non-linear Regge trajectories with AdS/QCD - Miguel Angel Martín Contreras (Universidad de Valparaíso)   ()
10:15 Noncommutative momentum and torsional regularization - Nikodem Poplawski   ()
10:35 Generation of Carroll-Field-Jackiw term in Horava-Lifshitz z=3 CPT-violating QED - Mr Ricardo Martínez (Universidade Federal de Alagoas)   ()
10:55 Discussion   ()
LHC results -Dr José David Ruiz Álvarez (Universidad de Antioquia) Carlos Sandoval Usme (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) Gabriela Alejandra Navarro (Universidad Antonio Narino (CO)) Carlos Andres Florez Bustos (Universidad de los Andes (CO)) (until 12:00) ()
09:00 SM measurements - Joany Manjarres (Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE))   ()
09:30 --- Questions ---
09:40 SUSY searches - Pablo Martinez Ruiz Del Arbol (Universidad de Cantabria and CSIC (ES))   ()
10:10 --- Questions ---
10:20 Exotica searches - Begona De La Cruz (Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno)   ()
10:50 --- Questions ---
11:00 Searches for Higgs boson pairs with the ATLAS detector - Gabriel Palacino (Indiana University (US))   ()
11:30 Discussion   ()
Neutrinos - David Vanegas Forero (Universidad de Medellín) Oscar Alberto ZAPATA NOREÑA (until 12:00) ()
08:00 The diffuse supernova neutrino background, a new window to the Universe - Yuber Perez   ()
08:30 --- Questions ---
08:40 BSM physics program at DUNE - Prof. Alexandre Sousa (University of Cincinnati (US))   ()
09:10 --- Questions ---
09:20 Heavy Sterile Neutrino Decay at Short-Baseline Experiments - Gabriela Vitti Stenico (State University of Campinas (UNICAMP))   ()
09:40 Neutrino oscillation probabilities due to possible non-standard interactions - Mario A Acero (Universidad del Atlantico)   ()
10:00 --- Break ---
10:15 Five texture zeros for Dirac neutrino mass matrices - Richard Beanvides   ()
10:35 On the very nature of neutrinos: the inverse beta-decay as a test bench - Giuseppe Gaetano Luciano (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   ()
10:55 Prediction for Neutrino Masses, CP Violation, Leptogenesis and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay from $\mathcal{T}_{13}$ Flavor Symmetry - Moinul Hossain Rahat (University of Florida)   ()
11:15 Theory of Fast Flavor Conversion for Supernova neutrinos - Soumya Bhattacharyya (TIFR)   ()
11:35 Discussion   ()
Heavy flavour - Richard Benavides (ITM) Jairo Alexis Rodriguez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) (until 12:00) ()
08:00 Review on CPV and mixing in the charm system - Alberto Correa Dos Reis (CBPF - Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (BR))   ()
08:30 --- Questions ---
08:40 Searching for flavored new physics at the LHC - Jorge Martin Camalich (Inst. Astrophys. of Canary Islands (ES))   ()
09:10 --- Questions ---
09:20 Challenges for the 3-3-1 models - VICENTE PLEITEZ (UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL PAULISTA-UNESP)   ()
09:50 --- Questions ---
10:00 --- Break ---
10:15 Production and properties of the Bc(2S)and B∗c(2S)states - Manuel Alejandro Rodriguez Giraldo (Universidad de Antioquia (CO))   ()
10:35 Light pseudoscalar and axial meson spectroscopy via an AdS/QCD modified soft wall model - Santiago Cortes (Universidad de los Andes)   ()
10:55 Flavored axions and the flavor problem - Eduardo Rojas (Universidad de Nariño)   ()
11:15 Addressing the R (D) and R (D*) anomalies within a charged scalar boson scenario - Nestor Quintero (Universidad Santiago de Cali)   ()
11:35 --- Discussion ---
Formal theory -Dr José David Ruiz Álvarez (Universidad de Antioquia) Carlos Andres Florez Bustos (Universidad de los Andes (CO)) Gabriela Alejandra Navarro (Universidad Antonio Narino (CO)) Carlos Sandoval Usme (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) (until 18:00) ()
15:00 3-3-1 model with right neutrinos, implemented in SARAH and SPheno - Dr Alex Tapia (University of Medellin)   ()
15:20 Explaining muon g-2 anomaly in a non-universal U(1)X extended SUSY theory - Juan Sebastian Alvarado Galeano (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)   ()
15:40 External Momentum Dependence from the Higgs Boson Mass - Edilson Alfonso Reyes Rojas (UNAL, DESY)   ()
16:00 Quantum Machine Learning concepts for HEP - Ms Vijayasri Iyer (Department of Information Technology)   ()
16:20 Discussion   ()
Neutrinos - Mario A Acero (Universidad del Atlantico) David Vanegas Forero (Universidad de Medellín) (until 17:35) ()
14:00 Neutrinoless double beta decay searches - Laura Cardani (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   ()
14:30 --- Questions ---
14:40 Neutrino oscillations - Erika Catano-Mur (William & Mary)   ()
15:10 --- Questions ---
15:20 --- Break ---
15:35 Front-end readout electronics for the PDS-SP of the DUNE Experiment - Deywis Moreno Lopez (Universidad Antonio Narino (CO))   ()
15:55 Description and constraints of the back-end trigger of the Photon Detection System in DUNE - Manuel AM (EIA)   ()
16:15 Machine Learning Applications to Reactor Antineutrino Detection with PROSPECT - Diego Venegas Vargas (The University of Tennessee Knoxville/Oak Ridge National Laboratory)   ()
16:35 The KM3NeT Neutrino Observatory: opportunities for Latin American collaborators - Prof. HAROLD YEPES RAMIREZ (Yachay Tech / KM3NeT)   ()
16:55 Probing the properties of relic neutrinos using the cosmic microwave background, the Hubble Space Telescope and galaxy clusters - Alexander Bonilla Rivera (UFJF)   ()
17:15 Discussion   ()
Dark matter - Oscar Alberto ZAPATA NOREÑA Nicolás Bernal (Universidad Antonio Nariño) (until 18:35) ()
14:00 Unraveling the origin of Black Holes from effective spin measurements - Nicolas Fernandez (University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign)   ()
14:30 --- Questions ---
14:40 Searching for dark matter emission with highly energetic cosmic messengers - Óscar Macías (Virginia Tech)   ()
15:10 --- Questions ---
15:20 Effective Theory of Freeze-in Dark Matter - Basabendu Barman   ()
15:40 The Z5 model of two-component dark matter - Oscar Zapata (Universidad de Antioquia)   ()
16:00 --- Break ---
16:15 Two component dark matter model in light of Beam Dump experiments. - Mr Guillermo Palacio (Universidad EIA)   ()
16:35 Vector Boson Fusion Topology and Simplified Models for Dark Matter searches at colliders - Daniel Ocampo Henao (Universidad de Antioquia (CO))   ()
16:55 WIMP Dark Matter in a Type-II Scotogenic model - Roberto Lineros (Universidad Católica del Norte)   ()
17:15 Diophantine scotogenic models - Prof. Diego Restrepo (Universidad de Antioquia)   ()
17:35 Multicomponent dark matter and the IDM - Amalia Betancur Rodríguez   ()
17:55 Dark Matter in the Time of Primordial Black Holes - Nicolás Bernal (Universidad Antonio Nariño)   ()
18:15 Open Discussion   ()
Cosmology / Astroparticles - Nicolás Bernal (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Alex Tapia (University of Medellin) Oscar Alberto ZAPATA NOREÑA (until 18:35) ()
14:00 Cosmic Rays Experiments in Latin America - Hernan Asorey (Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica)   ()
14:30 --- Questions ---
14:40 A guidance for building dark energy models - gabriel gomez   ()
15:10 --- Questions ---
15:20 Systematically building the generalized Proca and SU(2) Proca theories of gravity and beyond - ALEXANDER GALLEGO CADAVID   ()
15:40 Anisotropic Einstein Yang-Mills Higgs Dark Energy - JOHN BAYRON ORJUELA-QUINTANA (UNIVERSIDAD DEL VALLE)   ()
16:00 Anisotropic solid dark energy - Josue Motoa Manzano (Universidad del valle)   ()
16:20 --- Break ---
16:35 Towards the one-loop galaxy bispectrum in the weak field approximation - Lina Castiblanco (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso)   ()
16:55 Cosmological implications of electroweak vacuum instability: constraints on the Higgs curvature coupling from inflation - Andreas Mantziris (Imperial College London)   ()
17:15 El Sistema Global de Asimilación de Datos GDAS, para la estimación del flujo de fondo de astropartículas a nivel del suelo en la colaboración LAGO - Jennifer Grisales   ()
17:35 Estimation of the contribution of Muon Forward Scattering to the signal registered by the MuTe detector - Mr Ricardo de León (Universidad Industrial de Santander)   ()
17:55 Estimation of the effective dose from cosmic radiation received during a commercial flight passing through the South Atlantic anomaly - Prof. Daniel Camilo Becerra Villamizar (Universidad de Pamplona)   ()
18:15 Discussion   ()
CONHEP - Salvatore Mele (CERN) Jairo Alexis Rodriguez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) Susan Benavides (Minciencias) Jonathan R. Ellis (University of London (GB)) (until 13:00) ()
Common Session - Mario A Acero (Universidad del Atlantico) Gabriela Alejandra Navarro (Universidad Antonio Narino (CO)) (until 16:00) ()
14:00 QMexico - Latin America's role in the second quantum revolution - Andrea Delgado Andrea Delgado (Texas A & M University (US))   ()
14:20 LA-CoNGA Physics - Luis A. Núñez (University of Los Andes)   ()
14:40 Las fronteras inexistentes entre el arte y la ciencia - Daniela Brill (Suratómica)   ()
14:50 Proyectos Suratómica - Margareth Arias Carlos Rivera   ()
15:00 Search for Long-Lived Heavy Neutrinos at the LHC with a VBF Trigger - JOAQUIN MASIAS TEVES (PUCP)   ()
15:05 Search for new physics in the final state of $\tau$, $b$, $\nu$ - Tomas Atehortua Garces (Universidad de Antioquia (CO))   ()
15:10 Z' to ttbar in the single lepton-final state with Atlas Open Data - Nicolas Gomez Cruz Sebastian Ordonez (National University of Colombia)   ()
15:15 Simulation of a Water Cherenkov Detector Response tothe Background of Cosmic Rays at Pamplona Norte de Santander altitude (2300 m a.s.l.)for the LAGO Collaboration - Heidar Marcel Parada Villamizar   ()
15:20 Characterization of the signal produced by muons into one Water Cherenkov Detectors of the LAGO Observatory - Mr YORLAN PEREZ CUEVAS (Universidad de Pamplona)   ()
15:25 Estimation of energy levels for cosmic rays affected during a Forbush decrease from data from the LAGO Observatory - Karoll Michely Parada Jaime   ()
15:30 Large extra dimension at JUNO - Victor Basto-Gonzalez (Universidad del Valle/ Universidad de Pamplona)   ()
15:35 K-matrix formalism in light-meson spectroscopy - Prof. Diego Milanés (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) Sebastian Ordonez (National University of Colombia)   ()
15:40 SpaceMath version 1.0: A Mathematica package for beyond the standard model parameter space searches. - Marco Antonio Arroyo Ureña   ()
15:45 Matriz de mezcla de neutrinos en el marco de la simetría $\mu-\tau$ - David Cardona   ()
15:50 Three level FCNC from Models with a flavored Peccei-Quinn Symmetry - Prof. Yithsbey Giraldo (Universidad de Nariño)   ()
15:55 Correlación Energía-Energía en Electrodinámica Cuántica Supersimétrica - Alexander Gamboa   ()
CONHEP - Carlos Sandoval Usme (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) (until 18:20) ()
17:00 CONHEP status - Carlos Sandoval Usme (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)   ()
17:20 LASF4RI status - Prof. Diego Restrepo (Universidad de Antioquia)   ()
17:40 --- Discusión ---