15:37:41 From smeehan12@gmail.com To Kevin Nelson(privately) : Also, feel free to but in and interrupt me 15:37:50 From smeehan12@gmail.com To Kevin Nelson(privately) : I tend to accidentally dominate the discussion sometimes 15:45:18 From Kevin Nelson : Once you have docker installed try “docker image ls” 15:52:00 From Nicholas Kyriacou : Is there a link to download docker? 15:52:44 From jackson : for mac: https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/ 15:53:58 From Maritza : what is the link for ubuntu? 15:54:07 From jackson : https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/ 15:54:10 From jackson : sorry 15:54:14 From jackson : https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/ 15:54:24 From Maritza : Thanks 15:58:19 From Kevin Nelson : https://hsf-training.github.io/hsf-training-cms-analysis-webpage/index.html 15:59:13 From Kevin Nelson : ^ The payload web page where the “Setup” is located 16:05:39 From Zakieh : I have a problem with installation 16:05:57 From Sima Bashiri : hi, i installed docker, but now what do i should do? 16:06:14 From Kevin Nelson : Make sure the application is running in the background, then try “docker image ls” 16:06:33 From Zakieh : ok ... thanks 16:09:05 From smeehan12@gmail.com : Also here - https://askubuntu.com/questions/477551/how-can-i-use-docker-without-sudo#:~:text=If%20you%20don't%20want,writable%20by%20the%20docker%20group.&text=Either%20do%20a%20newgrp%20docker,activate%20the%20changes%20to%20groups. 16:13:13 From Harsh Shah : Thank you for the help. 16:14:34 From Kevin Nelson : Once you have these two items done feel free to leave: 16:14:51 From Kevin Nelson : 1. Run any docker command (i.e. sudo docker image ls) without error 16:15:00 From Kevin Nelson : 2. Have a gitlab.com account you can access 16:19:30 From Yasaman Hosseini : Thank you for your help