Alexander Decker(osf), Andreas Wagner(CERN), Christian Guetl(TU Graz), Michael Granitzer(University of Passau), Stefan Voigt(osf)
An Open Internet Search community, involving science, computing centres, libraries, politics, legal and ethics experts and society is currently forming in Europe. The Open Search Symposium (OSSYM) series provides a forum to discuss and jointly advance the ideas and concepts of Open Internet search in Europe. Since the OSSYM 2020 had to be postponed to October 12-14, we are inviting all interested parties to a join a web-meeting on 26 May, 2020 between 14h-16h30, hosted and facilitated by CERN to jointly work and prepare towards OSSYM 2020. The web-meeting will allow interested parties to come together for a couple of hours to listen to interesting keynotes and perspectives on Open Internet Search and to jointly discuss and prepare ideas for the Open Search Symposium to be hosted at CERN in October.
Organisational Information:
The meeting will be held as a web-based meeting using videoconferencing facilities at CERN.
details for the meeting. Presentations by the keynote speakers will be up to 15min, followed by 5min of Q&A. Following the presentations there will be a half hour opportunity for joint discussions and considerations.
Organizing committee:
Dr. Andreas Wagner, CERN
Prof. Dr. Christian Guetl , TU Graz
Prof. Dr. Michael Granitzer, Univ. Passau
Dr. Stefan Voigt, osf
Further information:
Welcome and Introduction10m
CERN, osf
Open Internet Search – a paradigm shift in and for Europe20m