22 July 2020
America/Chicago timezone

An IRIS-HEP Blueprint Workshop


Not scheduled
Virtual (Zoom)




Each group should appoint a leader, a scribe, and a reporter (who might be the leader or the scribe or a third person). The leader's job is to keep the conversation focused and making progress, and to make sure everyone has an opportunity to contribute. The scribe's job is to talk notes, using one of the following google docs. And the reporter's job is to get ready to report back on the discussion in the next session, in 2-3 minutes.

breakout group 1 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1db0NIREq-EBZWAS_HRQ2fgRb5NTmhM-oIjEhEweAaOs/edit
breakout group 2 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/11qzFsFGsRZ2nKtQAxTlRKTVvKU_5XUeOsHH5edInhw4/edit
breakout group 3 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u-AUG3821qUK1wIptbY9ggQiJNjuuGqTdvE1JVVXmZs/edit
breakout group 4 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/11RsIZo1Q2ltpnHuInQm07jPtUqEEvvTxU7DVxEinCqs/edit
breakout group 5 - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LWBKjA-biobVBNw4qJVGCobmQpx7sDBUNTll_-VCdJ4/edit

Each group might want to start by having everyone briefly introduce themselves. They should then talk about software sustainability in the context of HEP.

The output of each group's discussion should be 3 specific actions that the HEP community could take to make software more sustainable. At least 2 should be things that could be accomplished within 2 years, or at least that would make significant progress that would lead to a measurable difference within 2 years.

A suggestion is to talk generally for 35 minutes, and then to focus on the specific outputs in the last 10 minutes, based on the previous discussion, but this is up to each group to decide.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.