LHC RRB - Overall timetable

LHC RRB Meeting October 2010

LHC Experiments and World LCG Resources Review Boards

Monday, October 11, 2010


Plenary (CERN (503/1-001))

31st Plenary meeting of the Resources Review Boards

2:00 PM Welcome
Sergio Bertolucci (CERN)
2:05 PM CERN Status and News
Rolf Heuer (CERN)
2:25 PM LHC Machine Status
Roger Bailey
2:50 PM M&O Scrutiny Group Report
Dr Bernd Loehr (DESY)
3:10 PM Summary
Sergio Bertolucci (CERN)
ATLAS (CERN (60-6-015))

31st meeting of ATLAS RRB

3:30 PM Introduction
Sergio Bertolucci
3:35 PM Approval of the minutes of last meeting
3:40 PM Status of the experiment
Fabiola Gianotti, Marzio Nessi
CERN-RRB-2010-081 CERN-RRB-2010-082 (slides) CERN-RRB-2010-083 (slides)
4:25 PM LHCC Deliberations (paper only)
Emmanuel Tsesmelis
4:30 PM Financial matters
Thierry Lagrange
CERN-RRB-2010-085 CERN-RRB-2010-086 (slides)
Status of Common Fund accounts
Summary of market survey & tenders
Status of M&O accounts
4:45 PM Budget
Markus Nordberg
CERN-RRB-2010-088 (slides)
FDL Detector Status Report
M&O Budgets 2011
M&O Scrutiny Group Report
Bernd Loehr
5:15 PM M&O Scrutiny Group in 2011
Sergio Bertolucci
5:25 PM Summary
Sergio Bertolucci
Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Computing (CERN (60-6-015))

18th meeting of the LHC Computing RRB

12:00 PM Introduction
Sergio Bertolucci
12:02 PM Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
12:05 PM Status of the WLCG project
Ian Bird
CERN-RRB-2010-089 CERN-RRB-2010-090 (slides)
12:35 PM LHCC Deliberations (paper only)
Emmanuel Tsesmelis
12:40 PM Status of Common Projects Accounts
CERN-RRB-2010-093 (slides)
Thierry Lagrange
12:45 PM Status of Resources and Financial Plan
Sue Foffano
CERN-RRB-2010-094 CERN-RRB-2010-095 (slides)
Status of MoU signatures
Common project resources & budget proposal 2011
Computing Resources Scrutiny Group Report
Domenec Espriu
CERN-RRB-2010-071 Slides
1:30 PM Computing Resources Scrutiny Group in 2011
Sergio Bertolucci
1:35 PM Summary
Sergio Bertolucci
TOTEM (CERN (60-6-015))

7th meeting of TOTEM RRB

1:45 PM Introduction
Sergio Bertolucci
1:47 PM Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
1:50 PM Status of the experiment
Karsten Eggert
CERN-RRB-2010-096 Slides
2:10 PM LHCC Deliberations (paper only)
Emmanuel Tsesmelis
2:15 PM Financial matters
Thierry Lagrange
CERN-RRB-2010-100 (slides) CERN-RRB-2010-099
Status of Common Fund accounts
Summary of market surveys and tenders
2:25 PM Status of Resources and Financial Plan
Simone Giani
CERN-RRB-2010-102 (slides) CERN-RRB-2010-101
Financial status of TOTEM
2011 M&O Budget
M&O Scrutiny Group Report
Bernd Loehr
2:45 PM M&O Scrutiny Group in 2011
Sergio Bertolucci
2:48 PM Summary
Sergio Bertolucci
CMS (CERN (60-6-015))

31st meeting of CMS RRB

2:50 PM Introduction
Sergio Bertolucci
2:55 PM Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
3:00 PM Status of the experiment
Guido Tonelli
CERN-RRB-2010-103 CERN-RRB-2010-104 (slides)
3:40 PM LHCC Deliberations (paper only)
Emmanuel Tsesmelis
3:45 PM Financial matters
Thierry Lagrange
CERN-RRB-2010-106 CERN-RRB-2010-107 (slides)
Status of Common Fund accounts
Summary of market survey & tenders
Status of M&O accounts
3:55 PM M&O Budgets
Andrzej Charkiewicz
CERN-RRB-2010-108 CERN-RRB-2010-109 (Slides)
M&O Budgets 2011
M&O Scrunity Group Report
Bernd Loehr
CERN-RRB-2010-070 Slides
4:15 PM Summary
Sergio Bertolucci
Wednesday, October 13, 2010


LHCb (CERN (60-6-015))

25th meeting of the LHC RRB

9:00 AM Introduction
Sergio Bertolucci
9:05 AM Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
9:10 AM Status of the experiment
Andrei Golutvin
CERN-RRB-2010-110 CERN-RRB-2010-111 (slides)
9:40 AM LHCC Deliberations (paper only)
Emmanuel Tsesmelis
9:45 AM Financial matters
Thierry Lagrange
CERN-RRB-2010-113 CERN-RRB-2010-114 (slides)
Status of Common Fund accounts
Summary of market surveys and tenders
Status of M&O accounts
9:55 AM Budgets
Carmelo D'Ambrosio
CERN-RRB-2010-117 (slides)
2011 M&O Budgets
CORE expenses 2010-2011
M&O Scrutiny Group Report
Bernd Loehr
10:15 AM M&O Scrutiny Group in 2011
10:20 AM Summary
Sergio Bertolucci
ALICE (CERN (60-6-015))

29th meeting of the ALICE RRB

10:30 AM Introduction
Sergio Bertolucci
10:35 AM Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
10:40 AM Status of the experiment
Juergen Schukraft
CERN-RRB-2010-072 CERN-RRB-2010-073 (slides)
11:10 AM LHCC Deliberations (paper only)
Emmanuel Tsesmelis
11:15 AM Financial matters
Thierry Lagrange
CERN-RRB-2010-079 CERN-RRB-2010-080 (slides-rev.)
11:30 AM Budgets
Catherine Decosse
2011 CORE construction budgets
CERN-RRB-2010-074 CERN-RRB-2010-075 (slides)
2011 M&O budgets
CERN-RRB-2010-076 CERN-RRB-2010-077 (slides)
M&O Scrutiny Group Report
Bernd Loehr
11:50 AM M&O Scrutiny Group in 2011
Sergio Bertolucci
12:00 PM Summary
Sergio Bertolucci