9:00 AM
The double copy for heavy particles
Kays Haddad
(University of Copenhagen)
9:20 AM
What is the classical limit of massless particles?
Riccardo Gonzo
(Trinity College Dublin)
9:40 AM
First order factorizable systems of differential equations in one variable
Nikolai Fadeev
10:00 AM
The geometry of the superamplitude product
Gabriele Dian
(Durham University)
10:20 AM
--- Break ---
10:40 AM
From scattering amplitudes to gravitational shock waves
Andrea Cristofoli
(University of Copenhagen)
11:00 AM
The Dual Conformal Box Integral in Minkowski Space
Luke Corcoran
(Humboldt University Berlin)
11:20 AM
Classical Observables and (Quantum) Field Theories
Stefano De Angelis
11:40 AM
Standard Model EFT, the on-shell way
Manuel Accettulli Huber