15:05:21 From Altan Çakır : sorry for it 15:22:29 From Kilian Adriano Lieret : https://hsf-training.github.io/hsf-training-docker/setup.html 15:23:48 From arkady.lokhovitskiy@cern.ch : alokhovi@cern.ch 15:23:54 From Wesley Terrill : I was having the same issue. 15:24:08 From Wesley Terrill : wterrill@andrew.cmu.edu 15:26:24 From arkady.lokhovitskiy@cern.ch : Still doesn’t work 15:26:26 From arkady.lokhovitskiy@cern.ch : :-( 15:27:39 From delannoy : https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/wsl/ 15:28:20 From Judita Mamuzic : If we complete the installation and docker ps gives good result, is it all complete? 15:28:39 From vichayanun.wachirapusitanand@cern.ch : I can launch Docker on WSL 2 now. All I need is to restart my WSL. Thanks! 15:29:36 From Meirin Oan Evans To Judita Mamuzic(privately) : yes Judita, if docker ps gives good result, you’re ok to leave this call 15:29:59 From Samuel Meehan : https://mattermost.web.cern.ch/signup_user_complete/?id=86fzzq6n47yhugn75yqs5j3hry 15:30:58 From Judita Mamuzic To Meirin Oan Evans(privately) : Thanks! Wish you a nice day! I will be going through the tutorial in the next days! Cheers :-D 15:31:41 From Mai El Sawy : What is that mean: 15:31:42 From Mai El Sawy : Error response from daemon: dial unix docker.raw.sock: connect: no such file or directory 15:32:39 From Mai El Sawy : Ah, I think I should use this lik afer 15:32:40 From Mai El Sawy : https://hsf-training.github.io/hsf-training-docker/setup.html 15:34:38 From Bruno Alves : Is this the expected output: sudo docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES ? 15:35:00 From Meirin Oan Evans : Yes Bruno 15:37:10 From Sinha : Once I have docker successfully installed, should I start with the youtube videos tutorial? 15:37:58 From Meirin Oan Evans : @Sinha yes, please leave this call, then you’re welcome to start the videos when you want 15:38:47 From Sinha : The pull shows me this: docker pull matthewfeickert/intro-to-docker Using default tag: latest Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.39/images/create?fromImage=matthewfeickert%2Fintro-to-docker&tag=latest: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied 15:39:00 From Kilian Adriano Lieret : https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/ 15:39:01 From Samuel Meehan : Try with “sudo" 15:39:09 From Sinha : Okay 15:39:16 From Mai El Sawy : It works with me now. Thank you. 15:39:43 From Sinha : Thanks! 15:40:45 From delannoy : $ docker run hello-world Hello from Docker! This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly. ... 15:41:12 From Sukanya Sinha : Works for me :-) 15:41:56 From Samuel Meehan : docker run hello-world 15:42:21 From Benjamin Tannenwald : thanks for the help everyone! my setup works, so i'll start going through the videos 15:42:21 From Samuel Meehan : CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 15:44:01 From Sukanya Sinha : https://hsf-training.github.io/hsf-training-docker/setup.html This is all there is to the setup? 15:44:15 From Samuel Meehan : Yep, the first half 15:44:25 From Sukanya Sinha : Ok, that’s done. 15:44:28 From Samuel Meehan : looking at it again, the second half is not entirely necessary 15:44:29 From Samuel Meehan : great!@ 15:44:36 From Sukanya Sinha : Thanks! :-) 15:44:41 From Samuel Meehan : Did you do the survey? 15:44:44 From Samuel Meehan : and join the mattermost? 15:45:01 From Sukanya Sinha : I did the survey, and I’m also on the Mattermost 15:47:10 From Diego Barbosa Trujillo : Thanks! 15:52:55 From arkady.lokhovitskiy@cern.ch : I have finished with things for today. Everything is fine. Logging off. 15:56:41 From alessandro bertolin : good bye then 15:57:55 From Jingyan Shi : I am ok. and I will be back tomorrow. 15:57:57 From Jingyan Shi : thank you