10:00 AM
10:40 AM
(until 11:10 AM)
10:40 AM
Progress in physics modelling in support of the ITER Research Plan
(ITER Organization)
11:10 AM
--- Short break ---
11:40 AM
(until 12:50 PM)
11:40 AM
KNOSOS, a fast neoclassical code for optimization of magnetic geometries
José Luis Velasco Garasa
(CIEMAT, Spain)
12:10 PM
Instabilities and turbulence in stellarators from the perspective of global codes
Edilberto Sanchez
12:30 PM
Pressure effects on the topology of magnetic fields in stellarators
Antoine Baillod
(EPFL - EPF Lausanne)
10:00 AM
(until 11:10 AM)
10:00 AM
Fast particle instabilities in magnetic fusion: experiment vs theory
Sergei Sharapov
10:40 AM
Fast ions as a tool for turbulent transport suppression on JET
Jeronimo Garcia
(IRFM - CEA, France)
11:10 AM
--- Short break ---
11:40 AM
(until 12:50 PM)
11:40 AM
Magnetic flux pumping in the hybrid tokamak scenario: Theory, simulations and experimental validation
Isabel Krebs
(DIFFER, Netherlands)
12:10 PM
Non-conservation of the magnetic moment with fast ions in spherical tokamaks
Fabio Sattin
(Consorzio RFX)
12:30 PM
Action-Angle formulation of the Guiding Center Kinetic Theory and Orbital Spectrum Analysis of Particle Energy and Momentum Transport
Yannis Kominis
(National Technical University of Athens)
10:00 AM
(until 11:10 AM)
10:00 AM
JT-60SA objectives, scientific programme and physics studies
Gerardo Giruzzi
(CEA French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Com)
10:40 AM
L-H transition studies at JET: challenges to theory
Emilia Solano
11:10 AM
--- Short break ---
11:40 AM
(until 12:50 PM)
11:40 AM
Validation and interpretation of 3D non-linear MHD disruption simulations with JOREK
Eric Nardon
(CEA, IRFM, F-13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France)
12:10 PM
3D non-linear MHD simulations of deuterium shattered pellet injection into H-mode JET plasma
Mengdi Kong
(UKAEA-CCFE, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3DB, UK)
12:30 PM
Influence of equilibrium flow on the resistive tearing mode
- Mr
Jordi De Jonghe
(Centre for mathematical Plasma-Astrophysics, KU Leuven)
10:00 AM
(until 11:10 AM)
10:00 AM
Modelling energetic particles in solar and stellar flares
Philippa Browning
(University of Manchester, UK)
10:40 AM
Modelling of plasma facing components melt dynamics
Svetlana Ratynskaia
(KTH Stockholm, Sweden)
11:10 AM
--- Short break ---
11:40 AM
(until 12:50 PM)
11:40 AM
Spectrally accurate global-local gyrokinetic simulations of turbulence in tokamak plasmas
Denis St-Onge
(University of Oxford)
12:10 PM
Electromagnetic plasma instabilities and turbulence driven by electron-temperature gradient
- Mr
Toby Adkins
(Oxford University)
12:30 PM
Plasma-wall self-organization in magnetic fusion
Dominique ESCANDE
(Aix Marseille Université)
10:00 AM
(until 11:40 AM)
11:40 AM
(until 12:50 PM)
11:40 AM
Current drive induced crash cycles in W7-X
Ksenia Aleynikova
(IPP Greifswald, Germany )
12:10 PM
Scattering of radio frequency waves by turbulent cylindrical filaments in the plasma edge and radiation pressure on these filaments
- Dr
Spyridon-I. Valvis
(National Technical University of Athens)
12:30 PM
ANTITER IV modeling of excitation by an ICRH antenna of near fields and of their propagation along the plasma edge in view of a future fusion reactor.
andre messiaen
(Royal Military Academy, 1000 Brussels, Belgium)
12:50 PM
--- Long break ---
2:30 PM
(until 3:20 PM)
2:30 PM
A non-twisting flux tube for local gyrokinetic simulations
Justin Ball
(SPC - EPFL, Switzerland)
3:00 PM
Heat transport as a measure of the effective non-integrable volume
Elizabeth Paul
(Princeton University)
3:20 PM
--- Short break ---
3:50 PM
(until 4:50 PM)
3:50 PM
Computing island width sensitivity in stellarators using an adjoint method
Alessandro Geraldini
4:10 PM
A Spectral Framework for Solving the Nonlinear Boltzmann Equation
George Wilkie
12:50 PM
--- Long break ---
2:30 PM
(until 2:50 PM)
2:30 PM
The nonadiabatic response of passing electrons and ion-gyroradius-scale electrostatic microinstabilities in the limit of small electron-to-ion mass ratio
michael hardman
2:50 PM
(until 5:30 PM)
2:50 PM
Analytical instruments that can be useful to plasma theory: axial anomaly, conformal invariance, effective Larmor radius
- Dr
Florin Spineanu
(National Institute of Laser Plasma and Radiation Physics)
2:50 PM
Braginskii Equations for Hot Plasmas: Weakly Relativistic Approach
I. Marushchenko
(V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine)
2:50 PM
Convolution based particle solution to Fokker-Planck type equations
Mohsen Sadr
(EPFL - EPF Lausanne)
2:50 PM
Emergent signature of a global scaling of heat transport in fusion plasmas
Johan Anderson
2:50 PM
Finite orbit width effects on neoclassical transport in large aspect ratio tokamaks
Silvia Trinczek
(Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3PU, UK)
2:50 PM
Gyrofluid investigation of finite βe effects on collisionless reconnection
Camille Granier
(Politecnico di Torino)
2:50 PM
Kinetic analysis of the collisional layer
Mantas Abazorius
(University of Oxford)
2:50 PM
Kinetic modelling of parallel transport in the tokamak scrape-off layer
Dominic Power
(Imperial College London)
2:50 PM
Machine-learning accelerated Particle-In-Cell Simulations
Ralph Kube
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
2:50 PM
On Ohm’s law in reduced plasma fluid models
John Omotani
2:50 PM
Parallelization of a 3D FDTD code and physics studies of EC heating and current drive in fusion plasmas
- Dr
Christos Tsironis
(National Technical University of Athens)
2:50 PM
Particle momentum and energy transport under interaction with Localized Wavepackets
- Mr
Theodoros Bournelis
(National Technical University of Athens)
2:50 PM
Simulation of microturbulence in magnetised plasma with heat sources using a delta-f gyrokinetic approach with an evolving background Maxwellian
Moahan Murugappan
(EPFL - EPF Lausanne)
2:50 PM
The impact of the heating mix on L- and H-mode DEMO plasmas
- Dr
Guillermo Suarez Lopez
(Max Planck Institute for Plasmaphysics)
2:50 PM
The MHD dynamo effect in reversed-field pinch and tokamak plasmas: indications from nonlinear 3D MHD simulations
Daniele Bonfiglio
(Consorzio RFX, Italy)
12:50 PM
--- Long break ---
2:30 PM
(until 3:10 PM)
2:30 PM
Impact of divertor X-points on axisymmetric modes in tokamaks
- Prof.
Francesco Porcelli
(Politecnico di Torino)
2:50 PM
Simulating Electromagnetic Pulse Propagation in 2D Dielectric Media using Qubit Lattice Algorithms (QLA)
- Dr
George Vahala
(William & Mary)
3:10 PM
--- Short break ---
3:40 PM
(until 4:40 PM)
3:40 PM
Solar coronal heating and wind acceleration: Insights from Parker Solar Probe
Anna Tenerani
(University of Texas, USA)
4:10 PM
Fast ion-induced transport barriers in global gyrokinetic simulations
Alessandro Di Siena
(University of Texas at Austin)
12:50 PM
--- Long break ---
2:30 PM
(until 2:50 PM)
2:30 PM
First global simulations of plasma turbulence in a stellarator with an island divertor
António João Caeiro Heitor Coelho
(EPFL - EPF Lausanne)
2:50 PM
(until 4:40 PM)
2:50 PM
Comparison of SOLPS-ITER and B2.5-Eunomia in the simulation of Magnum-PSI
Jorge Gonzalez
2:50 PM
Electrostatic gyrokinetic simulations in Wendelstein 7-X geometry: benchmark between the codes stella and GENE
Antonio González-Jerez
2:50 PM
Excitation of TAE modes by an electromagnetic antenna using the global gyrokinetic code ORB5
Mohsen Sadr
(EPFL - EPF Lausanne)
2:50 PM
Fast particles resonance with axisymmetric modes in shaped plasmas
Tommaso Barberis
(Politecnico di Torino)
2:50 PM
Impact of non-axisymmetric magnetic field perturbations on flows
Robin Varennes
(CEA French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Com)
2:50 PM
Implementation and benchmark of improved boundary conditions for 3D nonlinear MHD code SpeCyl
luca spinicci
2:50 PM
Particle and moment enslavement in the implicit full f particle simulations
Lu Zhixin
(Max Planck Inistitute of Plasma Physics)
2:50 PM
Reconstruction of intermittent SOL data time series by deconvolution
- Ms
Sajidah Ahmed
(UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
2:50 PM
Sparse Basis Polynomial Chaos Analysis of Radio Frequency Wave Scattering by Random Density Interfaces in the Fusion-Plasma Edge
Aristeides Papadopoulos
(School of Electrical and Computer Engineering National Technica)
2:50 PM
Three-dimensional Beltrami states for toroidal, shaped plasmas
- Mr
Angelos Giannis
(University of Ioannina)
2:50 PM
Toroidal plasma response modeling for ELM control optimization via RMPs in perspective DTT plasmas
Leonardo Pigatto
(Consorzio RFX)
2:50 PM
Turbulent heat flux versus density gradient: an inter-machine study with the gyrokinetic code stella
Hanne Thienpondt
2:50 PM
Verification and validation of gyrokinetic and kinetic-MHD simulations for the internal kink instability in the DIII-D tokamak
Guillaume Brochard
(University of California, Irvine)
12:50 PM
--- Long break ---
2:30 PM
(until 3:10 PM)
2:30 PM
Extended electromagnetic gyrokinetic theory for tokamak pedestal
Alexandra Dudkovskaia
(University of York)
2:50 PM
Sheath collapse at critical magnetic field angle due to kinetic effects
Robert Ewart
(Oxford University)
3:10 PM
--- Short break ---
3:40 PM
(until 4:40 PM)
3:40 PM
Gauge-free gyrokinetic models for hybrid-kinetic simulations of magnetized fusion plasmas
Alain Brizard
(Saint Michael's College)
4:20 PM
Electromagnetic full-f continuum gyrokinetic simulation of plasma turbulence in scrape-off layer of ASDEX Upgrade
- Dr
Rupak Mukherjee
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ, 08540, USA)
4:40 PM