Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

3 June 2010
University of Glasgow
GB timezone

Contribution List

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Dr Chris Parkes (Glasgow)
03/06/2010, 12:59
Prof. Christine Davies Davies (University of Glasgow)
03/06/2010, 13:00
Dr Enrico Lunghi (Indiana University)
03/06/2010, 13:40
Dr Andreas Juttner (CERN)
03/06/2010, 14:10
Evgueni Goudzovski (University of Birmingham)
03/06/2010, 14:30
Dr Jack Laiho (University of Glasgow)
03/06/2010, 15:30
Matthew John Charles (University of Oxford)
03/06/2010, 15:50
Thomas Blake (Imperial College)
03/06/2010, 16:10
Maria Smizanska (Lancaster University)
03/06/2010, 16:30
Dr Agostino Patella (University of Swansea)
03/06/2010, 17:10