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ChETEC Zagreb Nucleosynthesis software pipeline training school

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Virtual school (zoom tbc; originally planned in Zagreb, Croatia)
Raphael Hirschi

Most of the elements that we see everyday like iron or gold, or fundamental for life like carbon and oxygen, are produced in stars. The fundamental question of how elements form in our galaxy and in the universe need the contribution from many disciplines, within the cross-disciplinary context of nuclear astrophysics.

The ChETEC COST Action (CA16117), the IReNA NSF network of networks, and the NuGrid collaboration are organising a 3-day training school event on the topic of nuclear reaction rates, stellar nucleosynthesis, observations and implications for galactic chemical evolution.

In order to prepare scientists (especially early career investigators) for explorations in these science areas the school will include "hands-on" laboratory sessions every afternoon:

  • Stellar evolution lab with MESA

  • Nucleosynthesis lab with Nugrid's PPN;

  • Galactic chemical evolution lab with NuPyCEE.

The goal of this training school is to document present state of knowledge and discuss key open questions in nuclear astrophysics, and to allow young scientists to practise and actively engage with these different interdisciplinary topics. Trainees will learn how to use software tools that will enhance their research and their exploitation.

This training school is followed by our ChETEC main period 4 event taking place at the end of this week:


We acknowledge support from the “ChETEC” COST Action (CA16117), supported by COST. COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks.

Lab sessions are conducted on the Astrohub online virtual research environment ( developed and operated by the Computational Stellar Astrophysics group ( at the University of Victoria and hosted on the Computed Canada Arbutus Cloud at the University of Victoria.

We also acknowledge support from IReNA (IReNA is a US National Science Foundation AccelNet Network of Networks supported under Grant No. OISE-1927130) and from the JINA-CEE Center for the Evolution of the Elements (JINA-CEE is a US National Science Foundation Physics Frontiers Center, supported under Grant No. PHY-1430152), the Department of Communication and External Relations, Universidade Nova de Lisboa - FCT for the ChETEC logo.

  • Abdelhamid Bouldjedri
  • Adrià Casanovas Hoste
  • Alessandro Alberto Oliva
  • Alex Gormaz-Matamala
  • Alex Hall-Smith
  • Alvaro Tolosa-Delgado
  • Aman Agarwal
  • Amber Lauer
  • Antonio Caciolli
  • Ashish Verma
  • Begoña García-Conde Navarro
  • Benoit Cote
  • Blanka Világos
  • Borbála Cseh
  • Brankica Kubátová
  • César Domingo Pardo
  • Deni Nurkić
  • Denise Piatti
  • Eleni Vagena
  • Etienne Kaiser
  • Ewa Niemczura
  • Facundo David Moyano
  • Federico Rizzuti
  • Francesco Pogliano
  • Francisco Mendez
  • Freyja Walberg
  • Friedrich Anders
  • Georgios Lioutas
  • Georgios Perdikakis
  • Gerard Navó Perez
  • Ignacio López de Arbina
  • Jakub Skowronski
  • Jaroslav Merc
  • Jasmina Obhodas
  • Jennifer Sanchez Rojo
  • Jianzhao Zhou
  • Jose Antonio Victoria Fernández
  • Jovana Petrović
  • Kaho Tse
  • Khushi Bhatt
  • Leah Cox
  • M. Angeles Perez-Garcia
  • Mallory Smith
  • Mansi Saxena
  • Marta Molero
  • Nabin Rijal
  • Natalie Rees
  • Neerajan Nepal
  • Nor Sofiah Ahmad
  • Norhasliza Yusof
  • Olga Maryeva
  • Olga Zamora
  • Philipp Scholz
  • Prakash Chandra Rout
  • Prasiddha Arunachalam
  • Rahul Kashyap
  • Raphael Hirschi
  • Robert Farmer
  • Romain Lucchesi
  • Rosanna Depalo
  • Sabrina Gronow
  • Santi Roca-Fabrega
  • Shahab Sanjari
  • Shiv Subedi
  • Shiva Agarwal
  • Shivani Shah
  • Sifundo Binda
  • Soham Chakraborty
  • Sophie Abrahams
  • Steffen Turkat
  • Stephan Rosswog
  • Stylianos Nikas
  • Suqing Hou
  • Surendra Padamata
  • Thanassis Psaltis
  • Theodoros Soultanis
  • Tibor Norbert Szegedi
  • Umberto Battino
  • Veronica Ferreiros Lopez
  • Vishnu Varma R Vejayan
  • Xianfei Zhang
  • Xilu Wang
  • Xingqun Yao
  • Yangyang Li
  • Yude Bu
  • Yukiya Saito
  • Zafar Iftikhar
Prof Raphael Hirschi
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