Tomsk State University - CERN summer school

Sergey Filimonov (Tomsk State University (RU))

The Summer school of High energy physics organized by Tomsk State University, Laboratory of High Energy Physics Data Analysis, Laboratory of Experimental High Energy Physics.

The School will be held in an online-intensive format from the 13th to the 17th of July 2020. Participants will receive introductory knowledge in the field of high-energy physics, data analysis, machine learning, get acquainted with the developments of our scientists at CERN, and put the knowledge into practice.

  • Алена Бордулева
  • Артем Берзин
  • Артемий Крапива
  • Борис Елфимов
  • Кирилл Доровских
  • Марк Фомин
  • Рамдас Махманазаров