Test of the FeaTHeR-M0 coils at high field and variable temperature in the SULTAN facility

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Xabier Sarasola Martin (CERN)

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Abstract: The testing capabilities of SULTAN were expanded in 2017 by installing a removable counter-cryostat, which enables the test of accelerator-relevant conductor samples and small insert coils at variable temperature and with a background field of 10.9 T. The cryostat is equipped with High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) current feedthroughs, which can provide 9.5 kA at 50 K to the sample. A series of sub-scale racetrack coils (FeaTHeR-M0 coils) has been produced at CERN. These coils are wound with REBCO-Roebel cable and aim at testing fabrication techniques, and gaining experience in quench detection and protection. The coils FeaTHeR-M0.4 and M0.5 have been tested in SULTAN at high field and temperatures between 4.8 and 50 K. The results of these tests will be presented, showing that they were limited by the joint resistance and the apparent resistance across the coil, which increased dramatically after the tests at high field.

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