EDM4hep Discussion



EDM4hep Live Notes

Date: August 4, 2020
Indico: https://indico.cern.ch/event/943884/

This is a document for taking notes during EDM4hep meetings.

Connected: Weidong, Jiaheng, Tao, Benedikt, Thomas, Frank, Valentin, Pere, Joseph, Placido

Apologies: Andre

## Introduction and General Points

## Progress and Discussion


### Delphes plugin

* PR Ready for review
    * https://github.com/key4hep/EDM4hep/pull/56
    * Looks good

* still some open issues:
    * b-tagging and isolation variables
    * Valentin will have a look
    * need some documentation and a few lines for the release notes

### Spack installation

* all of iLCSoft is available as a spack recipe
    * still need to check if everything is configurated correctly
    * working on macos around issue w/ built-in python
        * on Catalina w/ python 3.x
* works together w/ key4hep
    * all dependencies will be shared: ROOT, Geant4, DD4hep, etc,...

### Nightly Builds and CI
* no open issues
    * potentially update needed for making spack more efficient
* open PR: #64

### open PRs

* #73 merged: DD4hep env vars
* #75 updates to lates changes in PODIO

## Podio

### merged some PRs:
* Introduce range wrapper for OneToManyRelations and VectorMembers
    * #107 by tmadlener was merged 15 hours ago

* Fix possible infinite loops in ostream operator
    * #106 by tmadlener was merged 15 hours ago
* add breaking test read_and_write.cpp
    * #102 by gaede was merged 15 hours ago

### rewrite of code generation
* large PR #117 basically ready for merging
    * needs rebase and more explicit release notes text
* TM is working on new version using `jinja2`


### issue w/ ROOT and non-copyable collections
* happens in ROOT 6.22
* PM: there is a patch available in LCG repository
    * ROOT team is working on a general solution

### "event class" in podio

### Non-const getter for collection
* original problem (in delphes plugin) has been worked around
* discussion about need for non-const access to collections still ongoing

### Meta Data

#### Usage of "metadata" for user defined data
* need to check if current implementation addresses all use cases
#### Metadata handling in CMS to be summarised by Benedikt
* postponed to next meeting

### Issues following MetaData Developments

* cannot write out event data previously read from file
    * Issue: https://github.com/AIDASoft/podio/issues/103
    * Test: https://github.com/AIDASoft/podio/pull/102

#### Writing second file with another tree

* Have to do: ``` TFile::Open("tmp.root", "RECREATE")``` ?
    * Doesn't help
    * Would help to see the code
* this problem only happens in the GAUDI framework
    * if user tries to write an additional ROOT file
    * to be addressed

### EventStore

### Schema Evolution

- Version for object descriptions, etc.
- Open issue: https://github.com/AIDASoft/podio/issues/86

### Features

* Subset collections?

## LCIOConverters

* Convertion from LCIO to EDM4HEP is completed except the three associations:
    * MCRecoParticleAssociation
    * MCRecoCaloAssociation
    * MCRecoTrackerAssociation
* LCIOInput, an algorithm wrapper in Gaudi/K4FWCore
    * https://github.com/ihep-sft-group/LCIOInput
* K4LCIOReader:
    * https://github.com/ihep-sft-group/K4LCIOReader
* Used to reconstruct clusters with Pandora
    * Publish Pandora Interface on github

* working on spack recipe for CEPC software
    * will report in next meeting

## EDM4hep

### Release 1.0

* Need:
    * ~~Plugin~~
    * ~~Eventheader~~
    * ~~Meta Data (Event / Run Parameters)~~

## AOB

### Conditions handling in Belle2
* Benedikt, or Martin Ritter

### Next meeting:

* August 18, 2020


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:00 09:05
      Introduction 5m
      Speakers: Andre Sailer (CERN), Frank-Dieter Gaede (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
    • 09:55 10:00
      Discussion 5m
      Speaker: Dr All