Dynamics of biological systems: from viruses to populations

from Wednesday 23 September 2020 (09:00) to Friday 25 September 2020 (18:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
23 Sept 2020
24 Sept 2020
25 Sept 2020
10:00 --- Opening remarks ---
Morning Session (until 13:00) ()
10:10 Emergence of COVID-19 – ground for its evolutionary success - Prof. Janusz Kocik (School for Public Health, Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education Warsaw, Poland)   ()
10:50 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Development: Incorporating AI into epitope-based vaccine design - Piotr Skoczylas (Ardigen)   ()
11:20 --- Coffee Break ---
11:40 Modelling disease ecology - Prof. Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad (Sharif University of Technology)   ()
12:10 Super-spreading events initiated the exponential growth phase of COVID-19 with R0 higher than initially estimated - Marek Kochańczyk (Institute of Fundamental Technological Research PAS)   ()
12:40 Social distancing in pedestrian dynamics and its effect on disease spreading - Sina Sajjadi (Sharif University of Technology) Dr Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad (Sharif University of Technology) Mr Alireza Hashemi (Sharif University of Technology)   ()
Morning Session (until 13:00) ()
10:00 Modelling planar polarised cell behaviours in epithelial tissues - Alexander Fletcher (University of Sheffield)   ()
10:40 Epithelial dynamics during mouse neural tube development - Mrs Laura Bocanegra-Moreno (IST)   ()
11:00 Active organelle dynamics facilitates precise sensing of fluctuating signals - Mr Felix Jonathan Meigel (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems)   ()
11:20 --- Coffee Break ---
11:40 Cell Fate Clusters in ICM Organoids Arise from Cell Fate Heredity & Division – a Modelling Approach - Tim Liebisch (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main)   ()
12:00 Setting up the epigenome: a collective phenomenon - Steffen Rulands   ()
12:30 Stochasticity and mechanics of stem cell fate in intestinal crypts - Edouard Hannezo (IST Austria)   ()
Morning Session (until 13:00) ()
10:00 Intermediate social bonds and the evolution of reproductive cooperation - Szymon Drobniak (University of New South Wales; Jagiellonian University)   ()
10:40 Specialization and plasticity in a primitively social insect - Adolfo Alsina (MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems)   ()
11:00 A part‐dependent account of biological individuality: why holobionts are individuals and ecosystems simultaneously - Adrian Stencel (Jagiellonian University) Dr Javier Suárez (Bielefeld University)   ()
11:20 --- Coffee Break ---
11:40 Pattern formation in a predator-prey model with defense in fearful prey - Purnedu Mishra (University of Warsaw)   ()
12:00 Uncertainties and epidemics spread - Bartlomiej Dybiec (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Jagiellonian University)   ()
12:30 How unicellular yeast form a community for the benefit of long-term survival. - Dominika Wloch-Salamon (Jagiellonian University)   ()
13:00 --- Lunch break ---
Afternoon Session (until 16:55) ()
14:00 Drug interactions between translation-inhibiting antibiotics - Tobias Bollenbach (University of Cologne)   ()
14:40 Ribosome traffic jams underlie suppressive drug interactions - Bor Kavčič (IST Austria)   ()
15:00 To make things simpler: classical Powell's ideas for describing bacterial population revisited. - Marcin Rubin (Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS)   ()
15:15 High-throughput screening and selection of electrogenic microbial communities using single chamber microbial fuel cells based on 96-well plate array - Lukasz Szydlowski (Jagiellonian University)   ()
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
15:35 Eco-evolutionary interactions in polymicrobial infections - Marjon de Vos (RUG)   ()
16:05 Building clone-consistent ecosystem models - Gerrit Ansmann (University of Cologne)   ()
16:25 Genomic epidemiology, sex & evolution of bacterial sugars - Dr Rafał Mostowy   ()
16:55 --- Coffee Break ---
Afternoon Session (until 17:30) ()
13:00 --- Lunch break ---
Afternoon Session (until 15:55) ()
14:00 Dynamics of cell migration process - Zenon Rajfur (Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University)   ()
14:40 Chemotaxis impact on a Turing reaction-diffusion system - Camile Fraga Delfino Kunz (Goethe University Frankfurt)   ()
14:55 How cell growth, division, and stochastic gene expression contribute to the protein noise floor - Anna Ochab-Marcinek (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences)   ()
15:25 The many ends of a never-ending story: Deriving the Drosophila gap gene system by ab-initio optimization - Thomas Sokolowski (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS))   ()
15:55 --- Coffee Break ---
Afternoon Session (until 17:00) ()
13:00 --- Lunch break ---
Afternoon Session (until 16:55) ()
14:00 Predictive models of bacterial response and the evolution of resistance to antibiotics - Bartlomiej Waclaw   ()
14:40 Mathematical Investigation of Early Atherosclerosis - Dr Debasmita Mukherjee (Department of Statistics, Sunandan Divatia School of Science,SVKM's NMIMS (Deemed to be) University)   ()
15:00 Challenges in the Boron Neutron Capture Therapy - Michal Silarski (Jagiellonian University)   ()
15:20 --- Coffee Break ---
15:30 Bio-electric phenomena during growth and regeneration - Jan Jedryszek (Jagiellonian University)   ()
15:45 Structural and Functional Genomics of the Human Gut Microbiome - Tomasz Kościółek   ()
16:15 [CANCELLED] Coagulation cascade as a dynamic biological system - Prof. Ewa Stępień (Uniwersytet Jagiellonski)   ()
16:55 --- Closing Remarks ---