2:00 PM
Drug interactions between translation-inhibiting antibiotics
Tobias Bollenbach
(University of Cologne)
2:40 PM
Ribosome traffic jams underlie suppressive drug interactions
Bor Kavčič
(IST Austria)
3:00 PM
To make things simpler: classical Powell's ideas for describing bacterial population revisited.
Marcin Rubin
(Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS)
3:15 PM
High-throughput screening and selection of electrogenic microbial communities using single chamber microbial fuel cells based on 96-well plate array
Lukasz Szydlowski
(Jagiellonian University)
3:35 PM
Eco-evolutionary interactions in polymicrobial infections
Marjon de Vos
4:05 PM
Building clone-consistent ecosystem models
Gerrit Ansmann
(University of Cologne)
4:25 PM
Genomic epidemiology, sex & evolution of bacterial sugars
Rafał Mostowy