Sep 24 – 26, 2020
Europe/Warsaw timezone

The virtual conference of the Polish Society on Relativity aims to bring Polish and foreign relativists together to exchange ideas on a broad range of subjects related to General Relativity. 

The conference is divided into six plenary sessions:

  • Mathematical and Numerical Relativity
  • Relativistic Astrophysics
  • Gravitational Waves
  • Cosmology 
  • Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology 
  • Beyond General Relativity 

Special talk: Paul Davies - Gravitational Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Keynote and invited speakers: David Fajman, Xie Naqing, Andrzej Rostworowski; Manuela Campanelli, Brynmor Haskell, Maria Dainotti; Marica Branchesi, Alessandro Nagar, Chris van den Broek, Gerhard Schafer; Alexander Vikman, Marek Lewicki, Antonio Racioppi; Carlo Rovelli, Florian Girelli, Andrzej Görlich; Michał P. Heller, Aneta Wojnar, Paweł Caputa

Deadline for registration: September 20

Deadline for abstract submission: September 17

Note: To register or submit an abstract for this event, you'll need an Indico account. First of all, create CERN lightweight account then when you log in with that account on the Indico website, you'll be asked to create an Indico account. If you don't have CERN lightweight account, you can get information about how to create it by visiting this link:

Venue: The conference will be virtual. All talks will be available through Zoom. 

Organising Committee: Agnieszka Janiuk, Mikołaj Korzyński, Jakub Mielczarek (head), Tomasz Trześniewski (secretary)
