24–26 Sept 2020
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Quasi-local mass of weak gravitational field

24 Sept 2020, 12:25


Piotr Waluk (Center for Theoretical Physics, PAS)


The widely accepted ADM expression for the energy of an asymptotically flat spacetime satisfies a "natural" consistency test - its second variation is equal to the canonical hamiltonian functional for linearized gravity on a Minkowski background. A viable quasi-local mass candidate should posses a similar property, namely - its second-order approximation should equal the hamiltonian of the well-understood linearized theory.
We show that the Hawking quasi-local mass passes this test, provided that certain gauge conditions are fulfilled. We believe that these gauge conditions may actually carry a physical meaning - they provide a suggestion about the way the problem of quasi-local energy should be posed.

Primary author

Piotr Waluk (Center for Theoretical Physics, PAS)


Prof. Jacek Jezierski (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw) Prof. Jerzy Kijowski (Center for Theoretical Physics, PAS)

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