[indra@Indra-Rjn ~]$ mkdir /Data/alice [indra@Indra-Rjn ~]$ cd /Data/alice/ [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ ls [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ which root /usr/bin/which: no root in (/Data/Software/texlive2020/bin/x86_64-linux:/Data/Software/texlive2020/bin/x86_64-linux:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/home/indra/.local/bin:/home/indra/bin) [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ export ALIBUILD_WORK_DIR="/Data/alice/sw" [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ aliBuild init AliRoot,AliPhysics remote: Enumerating objects: 50, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (50/50), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (47/47), done. remote: Total 10251 (delta 19), reused 9 (delta 2), pack-reused 10201 Receiving objects: 100% (10251/10251), 2.70 MiB | 917.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (6910/6910), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 283, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (283/283), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (255/255), done. remote: Total 490664 (delta 90), reused 68 (delta 27), pack-reused 490381 Receiving objects: 100% (490664/490664), 535.16 MiB | 2.14 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (359122/359122), done. Note: checking out '3211135829aaa3b4ded5000de5f11a09ab1c1ee5'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b new_branch_name Checking out files: 100% (17070/17070), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 34, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (34/34), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (31/31), done. remote: Total 456871 (delta 13), reused 8 (delta 3), pack-reused 456837 Receiving objects: 100% (456871/456871), 1.03 GiB | 2.07 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (354594/354594), done. Note: checking out '537b8fc2c6d7a04f50ee4666517410dcad1d96be'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b new_branch_name Checking out files: 100% (13534/13534), done. ==> Development directory . created for aliroot, aliphysics [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ aliDoctor AliPhysics WARNING: Package CMake cannot be picked up from the system and will be built by aliBuild. WARNING: This is due to the fact the following script fails: WARNING: WARNING: brew() { true; }; verge() { [[ "$1" = "`echo -e "$1\n$2" | sort -V | head -n1`" ]]; } WARNING: type cmake && verge 3.18.0 `cmake --version | sed -e 's/.* //' | cut -d. -f1,2,3` WARNING: WARNING: with the following output: WARNING: WARNING: CMake: cmake is /usr/local/bin/cmake WARNING: CMake: WARNING: WARNING: Package GCC-Toolchain cannot be picked up from the system and will be built by aliBuild. WARNING: This is due to the fact the following script fails: WARNING: WARNING: brew() { true; }; set -e WARNING: which gfortran || { echo "gfortran missing"; exit 1; } WARNING: which cc && test -f $(dirname $(which cc))/c++ && printf "#define GCCVER ((__GNUC__ << 16)+(__GNUC_MINOR__ << 8)+(__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__))\n#if (GCCVER < 0x070300)\n#error \"System's GCC cannot be used: we need at least GCC 7.X. We are going to compile our own version.\"\n#endif\n" | cc -xc++ - -c -o /dev/null WARNING: WARNING: with the following output: WARNING: WARNING: GCC-Toolchain: /usr/bin/gfortran WARNING: GCC-Toolchain: /usr/bin/cc WARNING: GCC-Toolchain: :3:2: error: #error "System's GCC cannot be used: we need at least GCC 7.X. We are going to compile our own version." WARNING: GCC-Toolchain: WARNING: WARNING: Package GSL cannot be picked up from the system and will be built by aliBuild. WARNING: This is due to the fact the following script fails: WARNING: WARNING: brew() { true; }; printf "#include \"gsl/gsl_version.h\"\n#define GSL_V GSL_MAJOR_VERSION * 100 + GSL_MINOR_VERSION\n# if (GSL_V < 116) || (GSL_V >= 200)\n#error \"Cannot use system's gsl. Notice we only support versions from 1.16 (included) and 2.00 (excluded)\"\n#endif\nint main(){}" | c++ -I$(brew --prefix gsl)/include -xc++ - -o /dev/null WARNING: WARNING: with the following output: WARNING: WARNING: GSL: :1:29: fatal error: gsl/gsl_version.h: No such file or directory WARNING: GSL: compilation terminated. WARNING: GSL: WARNING: SUCCESS: Required package opengl will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Required package Xdevel will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Package FreeType will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Required package MySQL will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Package OpenSSL will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Required package make will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Package autotools will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Required package yacc-like will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Package zlib will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Package libxml2 will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Required package system-curl will be picked up from the system. WARNING: Package SWIG cannot be picked up from the system and will be built by aliBuild. WARNING: This is due to the fact the following script fails: WARNING: WARNING: brew() { true; }; verge() { WARNING: [ "$1" = "`echo -e "$1\n$2" | sort -V | head -n1`" ] WARNING: } WARNING: # Check for swig 3.0.12 or later WARNING: which swig && verge 3.0.12 $(swig -version | grep Version | sed -e 's/[^0-9]*//') WARNING: WARNING: with the following output: WARNING: WARNING: SWIG: which: no swig in (/Data/Software/texlive2020/bin/x86_64-linux:/Data/Software/texlive2020/bin/x86_64-linux:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/home/indra/.local/bin:/home/indra/bin) WARNING: SWIG: WARNING: SUCCESS: Required package libperl will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Package Python will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Package libpng will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Package lzma will be picked up from the system. SUCCESS: Package bz2 will be picked up from the system. ==> The following packages will be picked up from the system: - lzma - FreeType - bz2 - Python - libxml2 - zlib - OpenSSL - libpng - autotools If this is not you want, you have to uninstall / unload them. ==> The following packages will be built by aliBuild because they couldn't be picked up from the system: - SWIG - GCC-Toolchain - CMake - GSL This is not a real issue, but it might take longer the first time you invoke aliBuild. Look at the error messages above to get hints on what packages you need to install separately. [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ aliBuild build AliPhysics ==> aliBuild can take the following packages from the system and will not build them: lzma, FreeType, bz2, Python, libxml2, zlib, OpenSSL, libpng, autotools ==> The following packages cannot be taken from the system and will be built: SWIG, GCC-Toolchain, CMake, GSL ==> Packages will be built in the following order: - AliEn-CAs@53fbc54de2fc99129eff587ac0dd6dc814b0439e - Python-modules-list@1.0 - GCC-Toolchain@v7.3.0-alice2 - alibuild-recipe-tools@v0.2.1 - Alice-GRID-Utils@0.0.6 - Python-modules@1.0 - libtirpc@libtirpc-1-1-4 - SWIG@rel-3.0.12 - GMP@v6.0.0-alice1 - UUID@alice/v2.27.1 - boost@v1.74.0 - CMake@v3.18.2 - GSL@release-1-16 - ApMon-CPP@v2.2.8-alice5 - MPFR@v3.1.3 - DPMJET@v3.0.5-alice5 - GEANT4@v10.4.2 - Vc@1.4.1 - AliEn-Runtime@v2-19-le - cgal@4.6.3 - XRootD@v3.3.6-alice2 - fastjet@v3.2.1_1.024-alice3 - xalienfs@v1.0.14r1-alice3 - ROOT@v5-34-30-alice10 - vgm@v4-4 - AliEn-ROOT-Legacy@0.1.3 - GEANT3@v2-7-p2 - KFParticle@alice/v1.1-2 - GEANT4_VMC@v3-6-p6-inclxx-biasing-p2 - AliRoot (development package) - AliPhysics (development package) ==> You have packages in development mode. This means their source code can be freely modified under: /Data/alice/ aliBuild does not automatically update such packages to avoid work loss. In most cases this is achieved by doing in the package source directory: git pull --rebase remote: Enumerating objects: 12, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (12/12), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done. remote: Total 1081 (delta 2), reused 7 (delta 0), pack-reused 1069 Receiving objects: 100% (1081/1081), 296.66 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (197/197), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 250820, done. remote: Total 250820 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 250820 Receiving objects: 100% (250820/250820), 302.49 MiB | 3.25 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (130657/130657), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 16, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (16/16), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (12/12), done. remote: Total 16 (delta 4), reused 14 (delta 4), pack-reused 0 Unpacking objects: 100% (16/16), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 37, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (37/37), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (35/35), done. remote: Total 37 (delta 11), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 Unpacking objects: 100% (37/37), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 2134, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (2134/2134), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (567/567), done. remote: Total 2134 (delta 1558), reused 2134 (delta 1558), pack-reused 0 Receiving objects: 100% (2134/2134), 1.03 MiB | 697.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (1558/1558), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 269, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (269/269), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (157/157), done. remote: Total 159648 (delta 158), reused 157 (delta 112), pack-reused 159379 Receiving objects: 100% (159648/159648), 62.91 MiB | 3.05 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (111575/111575), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 4, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done. remote: Total 2039 (delta 0), reused 1 (delta 0), pack-reused 2035 Receiving objects: 100% (2039/2039), 3.80 MiB | 1.31 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (845/845), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 1790, done. remote: Total 1790 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1790 Receiving objects: 100% (1790/1790), 5.24 MiB | 1.70 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (257/257), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 206332, done. remote: Total 206332 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 206332 Receiving objects: 100% (206332/206332), 226.45 MiB | 3.89 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (148032/148032), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 182, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (182/182), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (128/128), done. remote: Total 320468 (delta 86), reused 92 (delta 54), pack-reused 320286 Receiving objects: 100% (320468/320468), 107.19 MiB | 3.48 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (243993/243993), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 47646, done. remote: Total 47646 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 47646 Receiving objects: 100% (47646/47646), 12.61 MiB | 3.60 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (39268/39268), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 95, done. remote: Total 95 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 95 Unpacking objects: 100% (95/95), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 499, done. remote: Total 499 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 499 Receiving objects: 100% (499/499), 1.83 MiB | 1.09 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (144/144), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 51, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (51/51), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (48/48), done. remote: Total 51 (delta 19), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 Unpacking objects: 100% (51/51), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 243405, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (243405/243405), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (37597/37597), done. remote: Total 243405 (delta 213928), reused 234536 (delta 205079), pack-reused 0 Receiving objects: 100% (243405/243405), 158.25 MiB | 2.83 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (213928/213928), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done. remote: Total 36965 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 36962 Receiving objects: 100% (36965/36965), 10.82 MiB | 2.49 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (28326/28326), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 54597, done. remote: Total 54597 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 54597 Receiving objects: 100% (54597/54597), 29.76 MiB | 3.88 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (41912/41912), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 229, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (229/229), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (177/177), done. remote: Total 2034 (delta 52), reused 78 (delta 50), pack-reused 1805 Receiving objects: 100% (2034/2034), 4.78 MiB | 1.76 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (1060/1060), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 655, done. remote: Total 655 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 655 Receiving objects: 100% (655/655), 729.91 KiB | 341.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (108/108), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 691882, done. remote: Total 691882 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 691882 Receiving objects: 100% (691882/691882), 743.26 MiB | 2.09 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (499121/499121), done. error: RPC failed; result=35, HTTP code = 0 fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly ERROR: Error while updating reference repos https://github.com/vmc-project/vgm. [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ aliBuild build AliPhysics ==> aliBuild can take the following packages from the system and will not build them: lzma, FreeType, bz2, Python, libxml2, zlib, OpenSSL, libpng, autotools ==> The following packages cannot be taken from the system and will be built: SWIG, GCC-Toolchain, CMake, GSL ==> Packages will be built in the following order: - AliEn-CAs@53fbc54de2fc99129eff587ac0dd6dc814b0439e - Python-modules-list@1.0 - GCC-Toolchain@v7.3.0-alice2 - alibuild-recipe-tools@v0.2.1 - Alice-GRID-Utils@0.0.6 - Python-modules@1.0 - libtirpc@libtirpc-1-1-4 - SWIG@rel-3.0.12 - GMP@v6.0.0-alice1 - UUID@alice/v2.27.1 - boost@v1.74.0 - CMake@v3.18.2 - GSL@release-1-16 - ApMon-CPP@v2.2.8-alice5 - MPFR@v3.1.3 - DPMJET@v3.0.5-alice5 - GEANT4@v10.4.2 - Vc@1.4.1 - AliEn-Runtime@v2-19-le - cgal@4.6.3 - XRootD@v3.3.6-alice2 - fastjet@v3.2.1_1.024-alice3 - xalienfs@v1.0.14r1-alice3 - ROOT@v5-34-30-alice10 - vgm@v4-4 - AliEn-ROOT-Legacy@0.1.3 - GEANT3@v2-7-p2 - KFParticle@alice/v1.1-2 - GEANT4_VMC@v3-6-p6-inclxx-biasing-p2 - AliRoot (development package) - AliPhysics (development package) ==> You have packages in development mode. This means their source code can be freely modified under: /Data/alice/ aliBuild does not automatically update such packages to avoid work loss. In most cases this is achieved by doing in the package source directory: git pull --rebase remote: Enumerating objects: 424, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (424/424), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (142/142), done. remote: Total 12496 (delta 338), reused 330 (delta 281), pack-reused 12072 Receiving objects: 100% (12496/12496), 6.98 MiB | 2.93 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (8343/8343), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 505, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (505/505), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (232/232), done. remote: Total 505 (delta 288), reused 454 (delta 252), pack-reused 0 Receiving objects: 100% (505/505), 149.92 KiB | 157.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (288/288), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 17, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (17/17), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (15/15), done. remote: Total 5997 (delta 3), reused 6 (delta 2), pack-reused 5980 Receiving objects: 100% (5997/5997), 21.79 MiB | 4.32 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (3957/3957), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 1542, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (1542/1542), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (549/549), done. remote: Total 1542 (delta 991), reused 1531 (delta 985), pack-reused 0 Receiving objects: 100% (1542/1542), 711.57 KiB | 509.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (991/991), done. remote: Enumerating objects: 391, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (391/391), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (245/245), done. remote: Total 18935 (delta 224), reused 258 (delta 146), pack-reused 18544 Receiving objects: 100% (18935/18935), 31.64 MiB | 3.45 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (14768/14768), done. ==> Building defaults-release@v1 ==> defaults-release is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for defaults-release ==> Building AliEn-CAs@v1 ==> AliEn-CAs is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for AliEn-CAs ==> Building Python-modules-list@1.0 ==> Python-modules-list is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for Python-modules-list ==> Building GCC-Toolchain@v7.3.0-alice2 ==> GCC-Toolchain is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for GCC-Toolchain ==> Building alibuild-recipe-tools@0.2.1 ==> alibuild-recipe-tools is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for alibuild-recipe-tools ==> Building Alice-GRID-Utils@0.0.6 ==> Alice-GRID-Utils is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for Alice-GRID-Utils ==> Building Python-modules@1.0 ==> Python-modules is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for Python-modules ==> Building libtirpc@libtirpc-1-1-4 ==> libtirpc is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for libtirpc ==> Building SWIG@3.0.12 ==> SWIG is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for SWIG ==> Building GMP@v6.0.0 ==> GMP is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for GMP ==> Building UUID@v2.27.1 ==> UUID is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for UUID ==> Building boost@v1.74.0 ==> boost is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for boost ==> Building CMake@v3.18.2 ==> CMake is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for CMake ==> Building GSL@v1.16 ==> GSL is being built (use --debug for full output): failed ERROR: Error while executing /Data/alice/sw/SPECS/slc7_x86-64/GSL/v1.16-1/build.sh on `Indra-Rjn'. ERROR: Log can be found in /Data/alice/sw/BUILD/GSL-latest/log. ERROR: Please upload it to CERNBox/Dropbox if you intend to request support. ERROR: Build directory is /Data/alice/sw/BUILD/GSL-latest/GSL. [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ vi /Data/alice/sw/BUILD/GSL-latest/log. [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ vi /Data/alice/sw/BUILD/GSL-latest/log [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ vi /Data/alice/sw/BUILD/ fe95afda27e9f27dc857acb6409e096b5ea2b176/ GSL-latest/ [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ ls /Data/alice/sw/BUILD/ fe95afda27e9f27dc857acb6409e096b5ea2b176 GSL-latest [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ ls /Data/alice/sw/BUILD/GSL-latest/ GSL [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ ls /Data/alice/sw/BUILD/GSL-latest/GSL/ [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ ls /Data/alice/sw/BUILD/GSL-latest/GSL/ -la total 8 drwxrwxr-x 2 indra indra 4096 Nov 16 00:57 . drwxrwxr-x 3 indra indra 4096 Nov 16 05:31 .. [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ ls /Data/alice/sw/BUILD/ fe95afda27e9f27dc857acb6409e096b5ea2b176 GSL-latest [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ ls /Data/alice/sw/BUILD/fe95afda27e9f27dc857acb6409e096b5ea2b176/ GSL [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ ls /Data/alice/sw/BUILD/fe95afda27e9f27dc857acb6409e096b5ea2b176/GSL/ [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ aliBuild build AliPhysics ==> aliBuild can take the following packages from the system and will not build them: lzma, FreeType, bz2, Python, libxml2, zlib, OpenSSL, libpng, autotools ==> The following packages cannot be taken from the system and will be built: SWIG, GCC-Toolchain, CMake, GSL ==> Packages will be built in the following order: - AliEn-CAs@53fbc54de2fc99129eff587ac0dd6dc814b0439e - Python-modules-list@1.0 - GCC-Toolchain@v7.3.0-alice2 - alibuild-recipe-tools@v0.2.1 - Alice-GRID-Utils@0.0.6 - Python-modules@1.0 - libtirpc@libtirpc-1-1-4 - SWIG@rel-3.0.12 - GMP@v6.0.0-alice1 - UUID@alice/v2.27.1 - boost@v1.74.0 - CMake@v3.18.2 - GSL@release-1-16 - ApMon-CPP@v2.2.8-alice5 - MPFR@v3.1.3 - DPMJET@v3.0.5-alice5 - GEANT4@v10.4.2 - Vc@1.4.1 - AliEn-Runtime@v2-19-le - cgal@4.6.3 - XRootD@v3.3.6-alice2 - fastjet@v3.2.1_1.024-alice3 - xalienfs@v1.0.14r1-alice3 - ROOT@v5-34-30-alice10 - vgm@v4-4 - AliEn-ROOT-Legacy@0.1.3 - GEANT3@v2-7-p2 - KFParticle@alice/v1.1-2 - GEANT4_VMC@v3-6-p6-inclxx-biasing-p2 - AliRoot (development package) - AliPhysics (development package) ==> You have packages in development mode. This means their source code can be freely modified under: /Data/alice/ aliBuild does not automatically update such packages to avoid work loss. In most cases this is achieved by doing in the package source directory: git pull --rebase Using cached build for defaults-release Using cached build for AliEn-CAs Using cached build for Python-modules-list Using cached build for GCC-Toolchain Using cached build for alibuild-recipe-tools Using cached build for Alice-GRID-Utils Using cached build for Python-modules Using cached build for libtirpc Using cached build for SWIG Using cached build for GMP Using cached build for UUID Using cached build for boost Using cached build for CMake ==> Building GSL@v1.16 ==> GSL is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for GSL ==> Building ApMon-CPP@v2.2.8-alice5 ==> ApMon-CPP is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for ApMon-CPP ==> Building MPFR@v3.1.3 ==> MPFR is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for MPFR ==> Building DPMJET@v3.0.5-alice5 ==> DPMJET is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for DPMJET ==> Building GEANT4@v10.4.2 ==> GEANT4 is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for GEANT4 ==> Building Vc@1.4.1 ==> Vc is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for Vc ==> Building AliEn-Runtime@v2-19-le ==> AliEn-Runtime is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for AliEn-Runtime ==> Building cgal@4.6.3 ==> cgal is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for cgal ==> Building XRootD@v3.3.6-alice2 ==> XRootD is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for XRootD ==> Building fastjet@v3.2.1_1.024-alice3 ==> fastjet is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for fastjet ==> Building xalienfs@v1.0.14r1-alice3 ==> xalienfs is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for xalienfs ==> Building ROOT@v5-34-30-alice10 ==> ROOT is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for ROOT ==> Building vgm@v4-4 ==> vgm is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for vgm ==> Building AliEn-ROOT-Legacy@0.1.3 ==> AliEn-ROOT-Legacy is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for AliEn-ROOT-Legacy ==> Building GEANT3@v2-7-p2 ==> GEANT3 is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for GEANT3 ==> Building KFParticle@alice-v1.1-2 ==> KFParticle is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for KFParticle ==> Building GEANT4_VMC@v3-6-p6-inclxx-biasing-p2 ==> GEANT4_VMC is being built (use --debug for full output): ok Using cached build for GEANT4_VMC ==> Building AliRoot@3211135829 ==> AliRoot is being built (use --debug for full output): ok ==> Building AliPhysics@537b8fc2c6 ==> AliPhysics is being built (use --debug for full output): ok ==> Build of AliPhysics successfully completed on `Indra-Rjn'. Your software installation is at: /Data/alice/sw/slc7_x86-64 You can use this package by loading the environment: alienv enter AliPhysics/latest-537b8fc2c6-release ==> Build directory for devel package AliRoot: /Data/alice/sw/BUILD/AliRoot-latest/AliRoot ==> Build directory for devel package AliPhysics: /Data/alice/sw/BUILD/AliPhysics-latest/AliPhysics [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ export ALICE_WORK_DIR="/Data/alice/sw" [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ which alienv /usr/bin/alienv [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ alienv list No Modulefiles Currently Loaded. [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ alienv q VO_ALICE@alibuild-recipe-tools::0.2.1-1 VO_ALICE@alibuild-recipe-tools::latest VO_ALICE@alibuild-recipe-tools::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@Alice-GRID-Utils::0.0.6-1 VO_ALICE@Alice-GRID-Utils::latest VO_ALICE@Alice-GRID-Utils::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@AliEn-ROOT-Legacy::0.1.3-1 VO_ALICE@AliEn-ROOT-Legacy::latest VO_ALICE@AliEn-ROOT-Legacy::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@AliEn-Runtime::latest VO_ALICE@AliEn-Runtime::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@AliEn-Runtime::v2-19-le-1 VO_ALICE@AliPhysics::537b8fc2c6-1 VO_ALICE@AliPhysics::latest VO_ALICE@AliPhysics::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@AliRoot::3211135829-1 VO_ALICE@AliRoot::latest VO_ALICE@AliRoot::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@ApMon-CPP::latest VO_ALICE@ApMon-CPP::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@ApMon-CPP::v2.2.8-alice5-1 VO_ALICE@BASE::1.0 VO_ALICE@boost::latest VO_ALICE@boost::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@boost::v1.74.0-1 VO_ALICE@cgal::4.6.3-1 VO_ALICE@cgal::latest VO_ALICE@cgal::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@CMake::latest VO_ALICE@CMake::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@CMake::v3.18.2-1 VO_ALICE@DPMJET::latest VO_ALICE@DPMJET::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@DPMJET::v3.0.5-alice5-1 VO_ALICE@fastjet::latest VO_ALICE@fastjet::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@fastjet::v3.2.1_1.024-alice3-1 VO_ALICE@GCC-Toolchain::latest VO_ALICE@GCC-Toolchain::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@GCC-Toolchain::v7.3.0-alice2-1 VO_ALICE@GEANT3::latest VO_ALICE@GEANT3::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@GEANT3::v2-7-p2-1 VO_ALICE@GEANT4::latest VO_ALICE@GEANT4::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@GEANT4::v10.4.2-1 VO_ALICE@GEANT4_VMC::latest VO_ALICE@GEANT4_VMC::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@GEANT4_VMC::v3-6-p6-inclxx-biasing-p2-1 VO_ALICE@GMP::latest VO_ALICE@GMP::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@GMP::v6.0.0-1 VO_ALICE@GSL::latest VO_ALICE@GSL::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@GSL::v1.16-1 VO_ALICE@KFParticle::alice-v1.1-2-1 VO_ALICE@KFParticle::latest VO_ALICE@KFParticle::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@libtirpc::latest VO_ALICE@libtirpc::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@libtirpc::libtirpc-1-1-4-1 VO_ALICE@MPFR::latest VO_ALICE@MPFR::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@MPFR::v3.1.3-1 VO_ALICE@Python-modules::1.0-1 VO_ALICE@Python-modules::latest VO_ALICE@Python-modules::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@Python-modules-list::1.0-1 VO_ALICE@Python-modules-list::latest VO_ALICE@Python-modules-list::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@ROOT::latest VO_ALICE@ROOT::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@ROOT::v5-34-30-alice10-1 VO_ALICE@Vc::1.4.1-1 VO_ALICE@Vc::latest VO_ALICE@Vc::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@vgm::latest VO_ALICE@vgm::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@vgm::v4-4-1 VO_ALICE@xalienfs::latest VO_ALICE@xalienfs::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@xalienfs::v1.0.14r1-alice3-1 VO_ALICE@XRootD::latest VO_ALICE@XRootD::latest-537b8fc2c6-release VO_ALICE@XRootD::v3.3.6-alice2-1 [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$ alienv enter AliPhysics/latest-537b8fc2c6-release Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) BASE/1.0 9) XRootD/v3.3.6-alice2-1 17) vgm/v4-4-1 2) GCC-Toolchain/v7.3.0-alice2-1 10) ROOT/v5-34-30-alice10-1 18) GEANT4_VMC/v3-6-p6-inclxx-biasing-p2-1 3) Python-modules/1.0-1 11) DPMJET/v3.0.5-alice5-1 19) Vc/1.4.1-1 4) libtirpc/libtirpc-1-1-4-1 12) boost/v1.74.0-1 20) xalienfs/v1.0.14r1-alice3-1 5) ApMon-CPP/v2.2.8-alice5-1 13) cgal/4.6.3-1 21) AliEn-ROOT-Legacy/0.1.3-1 6) GSL/v1.16-1 14) fastjet/v3.2.1_1.024-alice3-1 22) AliRoot/3211135829-1 7) AliEn-Runtime/v2-19-le-1 15) GEANT3/v2-7-p2-1 23) KFParticle/alice-v1.1-2-1 8) Python-modules-list/1.0-1 16) GEANT4/v10.4.2-1 24) AliPhysics/latest-537b8fc2c6-release Use alienv list to list loaded modules. Use exit to exit this environment. [AliPhysics/latest-537b8fc2c6-release] /Data/alice $> aliroot Warning in : duplicate entry for level 0; ignored ******************************************* * * * W E L C O M E to R O O T * * * * Version 5.34/30 23 April 2015 * * * * You are welcome to visit our Web site * * http://root.cern.ch * * * ******************************************* ROOT 5.34/30 (heads/v5-34-00-patches@v5-34-28-57-gec27989, Nov 16 2020, 06:23:00 on linuxx8664gcc) CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.18.00, July 2, 2010 Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements. Enclose multiple statements between { }. root [0] .q [AliPhysics/latest-537b8fc2c6-release] /Data/alice $> exit exit [indra@Indra-Rjn alice]$