November 16, 2020 to December 4, 2020
America/Guatemala timezone
Event to be held completely online


Ficha de Registro/Registration Form

Opened Aug 30, 2020
Closed Dec 3, 2020
Contact info

Por favor completar la siguiente ficha de registro. Si no tiene una cuenta de indico se le solicita que cree una "cern lightweigh account" copiando y pengando la siguiente dirección en una ventana del navegador:

Animamos a todos los investigadores Centroamericanos a presentar una charla en la sesión "Central American research".

Please fill out the following registration form. If you don't have an indico account you will be asked to create a cern lightweight account using the following address:

We encourage all Central American researchers to submit a talk in the "Central American research" session.

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.