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EP R&D Software Working Group Meeting




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Topic: EP R&D Software Meeting
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Software R&D Working Meeting Minutes


Common OS on hardware? Go for C8, then use containers (podman works well on C8).

Can we puppetise them?

- Setup a puppet repo to install the base
- Analysis might need a newer kernel
    - Is there anything else that needs to be special?
- Explore with Patatrack setup as a possible base
    - Puppet will not overwrite, unless setup to purge
- ACTION: Follow up on this discussion offline.

Turnkey Stack

Which packages are different between the Spack Key4hep and LCG? 300 packages seems a lot.

- We don't usually use system packages, and no HEPOSLibs, so build is deeper
- Tested with Arch Linux system packages, they do work in Spack
- In the other direction, we wight even be able to build own glibc, making the whole release only dependent on the kernel itself (like an unboxed container, cf. Gentoo prefix)

Marlin wrapper still uses LCIO structures? Yes.

- Use case to compare between FCC and iLCsoft.
- Would like to start to port alogorithms across to Gaudi proper.
- Yes, this is in scope for Turnkey stack effort in the R&D

Gaudi documentation (lack of)

- Last year Graeme and Stefan R put an infrastruture is in place for ReadTheDocs and the old documentation was ported
- However, we still lack new documentation, espeically on things like Gaudi Functional
- ACTION: Discuss with Gaudi developers

Can we use RTNuple in EDM4hep and Key4hep?

- Yes, this should be a target for us to implement
- This would validate the idea of PODIO
- EDM4hep is implementing an SIO backend, so the flexibility is proved
- Who? Valentin, Benedikt, Frank and Thomas

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.