01:08:23 Daniel Mohler: So this still assumes 3 windows though? 01:13:21 kmiura: @Daniel: I think so. 1st Break (photo session) 02:20:49 Jens Erler: However, while chi^2 scales with the # of degrees of freedom, Delta chi^2 does not, i.e. Delta chi^2 = 1 always corresponds to 68% CL (ignoring correlations) 02:27:25 Peter Stoffer: @Jens: Yes, this is correct, thanks! 02:40:05 Teseo San José: @Kalman. Hi, the discretizations effects at 6 GeV^2 for E250 depends on the discretization. We use two. The local-local is ~2%. The conserved-local is ~6%. However, you should take into account that this varies a lot from one ensemble to another. The worst case scenario, in ensemble H101 is ~12% 02:45:13 Antoine Gérardin: H101 is at a lattice spacing of 0.085 fm 03:01:59 Kalman Szabo: @Teseo thank you. Is this for the total? or some specific flavor 03:04:06 Teseo San José: @Kalman. The extrapolation is done component by component. The numbers are for the isovector. Isoscalar and charm have similar values 03:04:24 Kalman Szabo: @Teseo thanks 03:07:19 Aida El-Khadra: We resume at 17:20 2nd Break 03:40:00 Martin Hoferichter: One of the w0 values on p. 8 was c&p? 03:40:21 Steven Gottlieb: Sure looked like it. 04:21:53 Daniel Mohler: It was a very nice workshop! 04:22:27 Gilberto Colangelo: Wonderful workshop, thanks a lot to the organizers! 04:22:47 Thomas Teubner: Thank you! 04:22:49 Teseo San José: Bye. Have a nice weekend! 04:22:57 Peter Stoffer: Many thanks to the organizers and everyone! 04:23:02 Lucius Bushnaq: Bye! 04:23:24 Finn Stokes: Bye everyone! Thankyou to the organisers and all the speakers