PPAP community consultation on European Strategy Outcome
Monday, September 28, 2020 -
9:30 AM
: Sessions
: Talks
: Breaks
Sep 28, 2020
9:30 AM
Introduction and plan -
Roger Jones
Lancaster University (GB)
Introduction + EPPSU reminder - Roger Jones.pdf
Introduction + EPPSU reminder - Roger Jones.pptx
9:40 AM
European Strategy outcome -
Roger Jones
Lancaster University (GB)
10:00 AM
Sub-area breakout groups
(until 11:15 AM) ()
11:15 AM
Feedback from breakout groups ()
1:00 PM
Introduction to general session -
Sarah Verth
1:10 PM
Cross-subject breakout discussions
(until 2:30 PM) ()
2:30 PM
Feedback from discussion groups ()
3:30 PM
Round-up and next steps -
Roger Jones
Lancaster University (GB)