Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

21 October 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone


CMS guides:

Achintya Rao


Achintya is a science communicator from Mumbai, India, and has worked at CERN since 2010. He writes about physics, accelerators and engineering, and gives tours – both virtual and in-person – to visitors from around the world. You can find out more about him on

Jacob Myhre

The CMS Visits Operations Manager at CMS, Jacob Myhre is an associate with the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. He has a varied background in Māori Studies, Linguistics, and Education. He is the person at CMS that takes care of all of the visits from people around the world, booking the visits and giving tours as well.

Technical Support Team: 

Noemi Beni

Zoltan Szillasi