ROOT Team Meeting

Axel Naumann (CERN)
CERN number: 71400 Extension: 109284483#

ROOT Team Meetings

## 2020-10-19

Enric/Shift:  Forum everything answered/forwared. PR are all assignment.  Issues all assigned. Shifter instructions:  please refer to that page for links.  Nightly builds: ipython error message, it is installed but still not found.  Image not found for python is a python problem.  TMVA problem reported to Lorenzo.

Update on the build status:

Test failure on MacOS 10.14: tmva.tmva.test.DNN.RNN.TMVA_DNN_RNN_Forward_Cpu, @Lorenzo Moneta

MacOS 10.13: JupyROOT test failures due to "ipython3: command not found", example. I believe when we've had this problem in the past it was an environment issue, since ipython3 is installed. Will need @Axel Naumann or perhaps @Stefan Wunsch
MacOS 10.15: "Reason: image not found" error with Python libraries, which makes a few tests fail (example). Understood as a CMake problem.
Windows: build timeout @Bertrand Bellenot

MacOS 10.14: disconnection error

MacOS 10.14: disconnection error. Same as in 6.20, same machine (macitois19)

Same errors as in the last report.

Need new shifter for next week, currently Stephan H. is slotted but is also ramping down.


I/O: PR against the web defining the level of thread safety.  Please review it (and consider refering to it in class documentation)

No PPP last week nor this week.
No RooFIT or TMVA meeting
No C++ modules instead presentations at CMS Week.

Old and New Issues:

Several issues need input from Lorenzo or Axel.

#### New issues blocking the patch release

one issue (CMS) on the new using statement handling code for list of members and list of funtions, Philippe converging.

Another issue (LHCb) require an upgrade to the JSON library.

v6.22 nighlty build failed but seeming due to infrastructure.

#### Vetoed tutorials:

GUI issue needs an X11 connection, so we need a special cmake treatment to properly handle them.


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