One of the Grieg subjects which seems to be of the immediate common interest in Bergen and Warsaw is h->tau tau decay. On the experimental side, I understand that uncertainities in this measurement are still substantial and require more work and bigger statistics. This of course provide also opportunities - larger error bars still allow for deviations from the SM, in particular in CP violating phases of the couplings. On the theoretical side, it seems that new CP phases in the tau couplings are particularly advantageous in explaining bariogenesis - see e.g. recent paper 2003.00099, directly related to this subject. Therefore, perhaps we can start a common project here, in my feeling it can be advanced fairly quickly as we all already have experience in the topic. First, one the theory side one can calculate h->2 tau decay in the universal setup, I mean SM extended by higher order operators up to dimension-6 ("SMEFT"). This covers all potential SM extensions. First one needs to go through the operator basis, find those contributing to this process at tree and likely also 1-loop level (this is because tree level operators can be suppressed for some reasons and in this case 1-loop contributions may be comparable). Then, calculate the most general matrix element, BR and various distributions - here experimental input is required, which types of distributions can be actually measured. Also, in the context of the CP violation, knowing the analytical form of the SMEFT amplitude one can try to find more "special" observables (asymmetries, some combinations of measurements?) particularly sensitive to given coupling or given complex phase. Comparing theoretical formulae with data, one can find bounds on the SMEFT couplings (Wilson coefficients of dim-6 operators), both on their real and complex parts. Here experimental input is crucial, perhaps also adapting your analysis and Monte Carlo's to make determination of various Wilson coefficients more accurate. I do not have enough experience here to propose anything more specific yet, at least not before theoretical calculations are done. Again, on theory side, dim-6 operators may contribute to many processes, so Wilson coefficients may be also bounded by other measurements, not just h->tau tau (EDM's for sure! - but also others) - and such constraints could be combined with h->tau tau analysis for more stringent limits. Finally, knowing universal EFT bounds one can use them in twofold way. First, still within EFT approach, one can check if the obtained bounds on CP phases allow for efficient baryogenesis (something a la analysis of 2003.00099, but perhaps more general, with more operators and new constraints). Second, one can consider how EFT bounds translate into allowed couplings of the chosen specific complete UV models. Such models usually in their low energy limit lead to correlations between EFT couplings, so some bounds may become tighter than in the case of fully general SMEFT. Or may be we get some other ideas, they usually appear when working on the project...