May 24 – 25, 2021
Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Diagnostic System for PMI Linear device

Not scheduled
Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University

Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University

Oral Plasma Fusion and Technology


Arlee Tamman (TINT)


The Plasmas Material Interaction (PMI) Linear device, the only linear device in Thailand, is a plasma source that generating plasma by using helicon wave and maintaining plasma beam by using a strong magnetic field to reduce particle loss. The main purpose of PMI linear device is to serve as a material testing device. In order to serve its purpose, its plasma parameters and characteristic must be well-identified. Thus, the plasma diagnostic system of PMI linear is needed. Langmuir probe (LP) and Local Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OLES) are the main diagnostics to measure the plasma property including plasma density and plasma temperature that can be measure as a function of plasma radius. The plasma beam current is measured by the faraday cup. The property of plasma and beam is the variable parameter that can be used to test the material to qualify the property and increase require the material property for the fusion device such as the inner wall, limiter, diverter, device windows, and measured host material.

Primary author


Dr Mudtorlep Nisoa (Division of Physics School of Science) Mr Dhammanoon Srinoum (Plasmas and Electromagnetic Wave Science Center of Excellence) Suttirak Kaewpawong (Plasmas and Electromagnetic Wave Science Center of Excellence) Ridvee Taleh (Plasmas and Electromagnetic Wave Science Center of Excellence) Mr Watcharin Konsawat (Plasmas and Electromagnetic Wave Science Center of Excellence) Kamtorn Saidarasamoot (Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (Public Organization)) Mr Pasit Wonghabut (Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (Public Organization)) Nopporn Poolyarat Somsak Dangtip (Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology)

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