May 24 – 25, 2021
Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Composite inflaton in the Nambu—Jona-Lasio model

Not scheduled
Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University

Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University

Invited Speaker Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology


Phongpichit Channuie (Walailak University)


The inflationary scenario is formulated so far by the introduction of (elementary) scalar fields (called inflaton) with a nearly flat potential. However, we can imagine the possibility that the inflaton need not be an elementary degree of freedom. In this talk, we revisit the cosmological scenario in which the inflaton is a composite field emerging in the scalar channel of the effective Nambu–Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model. We demonstrate that it is viable to achieve successful inflation via a non-minimal coupling to gravity. We also compute the inflationary parameters and confront them with Planck data.

Primary author

Phongpichit Channuie (Walailak University)

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