The integration of the slim RF window could improve the situation of the RFQ in multiple ways:

For this reason, mechanical studies on the RFQ with the weight of the ridged wave-guide, the RF window, and a person loading and unloading the RF window in a critical location have been undertaken by Jorge Guardia.

The simulations have been done with a simplified geometry with correct loading conditions, supported in 3 support points as in reality, and with representative elastoplastic material properties.

Jorge showed the strong geometrical deformation in the model before a realingment.

The relevant outcome is that after realignment of the deformed RFQ, 3 principal types of deformation remain:

Stresses slightly higher than the elastic limit of annealed OFE copper (>8 MPa) are found in several areas, leading to locally plastically-deformed areas which are considered to be uncritical.

Jorge also analysed a number of possible measures to reduce the deformation:

Suitbert proposed an alternative solution by changing the location of the supports: There would be one support at each end on the beamline or to one side and a third in the longitudinal center under the ridged waveguide and the window. The following remarks have been collected:

In the discussion, the following points have been raised:

In order to take the next decisions and to launch the manufacturing of slim RF windows in time, it would be good to have feedback on all these points by the Project Day on 8 December.