TUE-OR1-102 Magnets for accelerator science and particle physics
- Tatsushi Nakamoto (KEK)
Fast ramping magnets are important accelerator components in several areas. In High Energy Physics they are needed in an accelerator ring for a Muon Collider, in booster accelerators for other colliders, and for production of high-intensity proton beams for high intensity targets. In the Basic Energy Sciences and the Department of Defense there is considerable need for intense levels of...
As part of the FAIR project, the heavy-ion synchrotron SIS100 is currently under construction at GSI in Darmstadt. As a german in-kind contribution, GSI is delivering all superconducting modules for SIS100. This includes 108 dipole modules as well as 83 highly integrated quadrupole doublet modules. One quadrupole doublet module consists of two quadrupoles, one nested steering magnet,...
Recently, a domestic project for the construction of a 4th generation light source, Ochang Advanced Synchrotron for Industry and Science(OASIS), is embarked by the Ministry of Science and ICT in Korea. To increase the performance of the next generation storage ring, Seoul National University in collaboration with Pohang Accelerator Laboratory started a feasibility study on no-insulation(NI)...
Design and fabrication of a new Nb3Sn-based superconducting undulator (SCU) are underway at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) of Argonne National Laboratory in collaboration with Fermilab and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. This device will be installed on APS’s storage ring and will deliver a wide range of hard x-rays to APS users. To develop a robust and reliable fabrication process,...
The Fermilab Mu2e experiment is currently being built at Fermilab to search for evidence of charged lepton flavor violation through the direct conversion of muons into electrons. The experiment comprises three large superconducting solenoids; the transport solenoid consists of 52 superconducting coils arranged in an s-shaped pattern in order to guide muons from the source to the stopping...
As part of the European Strategy for Particle Physics there is an ongoing development towards a Future Circular Collider (FCC) where electron-positron collisions could produce Higgs particles in a low background environment due to the high center-of-mass energy and the leptonic nature of the collisions. Particle detectors are used to study these collisions and a strong magnetic field is...