Software Meeting Minutes

# 201117: Software Meeting


Connected: Andre, Placido, Valentin

Apologies: Ulrike

## MC Generators

* TODO: add production config files to whizard2 sindarin repo

## Simulation

* Issue with simulation of muons with fixed pT?
    * observed different duplicate vs phi using different muon simulation runs
    * Maybe different input (not pt, but energy)?
    * Different Theta range, 0-90 degrees before, 0-180 degrees now

## Reconstruction

### Tracking

### Particle Flow

### Digitizer

### Event Display

### FlavourTagging

### Long-Lived Particle

### dE/dX

### LCGeo Test

## Infrastructure

## iLCDirac

* New version coming ASAP
    * DiracOS v1r11 tested (should test v1r16 by now...)
* Calice moving from LCG FileCatalog to DFC, keep v6r22 with lcg bundles, because those contain LFC bindings still

## key4hep

### Date releases

#### 2020-11-16

* Issues with renaming of packages
* Gaudi linking problems

### Gaudi

* cmake-modernization PR merged:
* tried it out with k4fwcore already:
    - working so far, but no K4FWCoreConfig.cmake generated! (policy is for users to generate their own )
* Finalizing PR
* Writing guide for upgrading to new gaudi cmake


### CI

* iLCSoft deployment:

* Working on incremental builds and deployments
    * Will be controlled from gitlab

* spack test -> recursion error

* Integrate with CDash, post updated packages

* Good to test spack HEAD

* Using dev-build for CI builds
    * Disable building of other packages?
        * set 'everything' to `buildable=false`
* github actions:
    * use CVMFS setup action from Wouter
    * build docker container that also contains (the k4fork of) spack and key4hep-spack
        * triggered when either is updated
    * action template for all k4Packages

#### Environment Script

#### View

* WIP, also Thomas Madlener looking into it
* Creating a view is just one spack command
    * `spack view [...]`

### key4hep-spack (renamed)

* updated key4hep-stack bundle package
    * PR:
* spack namespace: k4 -> key4hep ?

### LCFIPlus inside Gaudi

* Valentin looking into it because of interest from FCC side

### podio

### EDM4hep

* Done: builds against dev3 not working
    * DONE: Andre: try dev3 ddsim
        * Root not finding Geant4 header files, diagnostic very poor in this case
    * DONE: dev3 builds for DD4hep disappeared
        * Added dev[34] builds for DD4hep
    * Geant4 header:

* Running Gean4EDM4hep output failing for dev3 now
    * Plugin moving to DD4hep, so low priority

### k4FWCore

### k4MarlinWrapper (renamed)

* addded further test for converter
* Implement constant and "include" features used in Marlin XML
* DONE: rename the repository
* DONE: fix spack recipe

* Standalone converter running, to be integrated with the wrapper

#### LCIO <-> EDM4hep conversions

* Conversion service from Gaudi
    * under investigation by Valentin
    * At the moment only used for geometry conversion
* How to do this most generically?
* How to tell which collections to import and export for given wrapper processor?


### spack

* PR in spack: root recipe overhaul
    * needs testing

#### spack build-dev

* E.g.: building edm4hep on local podio
    * add podio with buildable=false and the path to the packages.yaml
    * or dev-build podio and then use that "hash" for dev-build edm4hep

## FCCee Detector Model

## SCT Integration

* WIP: Add TPC xml as "Aurora" Package

## FCCSW and key4hep

* Adapted to EDM4hep
* Spack install and GDML
    * Fails to validate the GDML with the spack release
    * Works with LCG installation
* Splitting FCCSW into separate repositories
* Used for spack build
    * Three failing tests, using the same HepMC file


## Snowmass

## AOB

### Next Meeting

November 24, 2020, 13:00