Minutes of storage phone conf 13 Dec 06 Present: Glasgow: Graeme Lancaster: Brian, Matt Apologies: Durham: Mark Edinburgh: Greig (stuck in traffic) 0. In the interest of time, we postpone the action review to the end of the meeting for once - we must close at 10:30 for the UKI ROC. 1. DONM Shall we have meetings - - 20 Dec ? YES - 3 Jan ? NO MEETING - 10 Jan ? TBD, probably not - 17 Jan ? NO MEETING (Virtualisation/dCache workshop @DESY) - 24 Jan ? NO MEETING (CERN workshop) - 31 Jan ? YES. 2. Using T2 helpdesks for chasi^W reminding admins This was a proposal made by Olivier yesterday. On closer inspection, there is indeed a Tier 2 queue in the NGS helpdesk, but there were only a handful of tickets, mostly London. Not clear whether T2 admins have access to the helpdesk. Nevertheless, submitting via GGUS is a possibility; it should eventually filter through to the site. Northgrid have a common mailing list. ScotGrid have a helpdesk, but not used for cross site support in general. 3. Items for dCache workshop in January https://indico.desy.de/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=138 There is also a virtualisation workshop two days before the dCache workshop. Greig will be attending both. Anyone else? 4. VO pools Best practice is to have at least one pool dedicated to the site's main VO (for example, Glasgow and Lancaster, being Atlas sites, have a large dedicated pool for Atlas, and a smaller shared one). Some sites are thought to have all users swimming in the same pool. This is not so good - may need to work with them to change this setup. How do we discover this? For sites that haven't upgraded the DPM plugin, we can see the same available space being published for the VOs sharing a pool. Plus, of course, sites should upgrade their DPM plugins. 5. Deliverables revisited - status, todo. Jens mentioned the plan, but this item now mainly affects Greig and Jens. It's planning for the rest of GridPP2, and GridPP3 (assuming it gets funded). May need more feedback on middleware gaps from August deliverable - see agenda for meeting http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=9245 6. SE Robustness revisited Was also raised in dteam yesterday. Failures are often due to other services falling over (like the BDII), but nevertheless it is useful to discuss how the robustness can be improved for the SE. The most straigtforward way ("low hanging fruit" - sorry :-) is to improve the internal monitoring, to provide early warning to the admin when something is about to go wrong. Graeme hasn't had much time to work on the MonAMI plugin recently. Pete Gronbech's DPM failed - daemon failed or locked up. Failure easy to detect; lockup less easy. 7. AOB Graeme mentioned RFIO testing for DPM from the WNs. Greig is talking to Dave Newbold about the jobs DN used to test CASTOR RFIO at RAL. Analysis jobs will be using RFIO - but strange routing problems can arise for the jobs on the WNs, cf https://www.gridpp.ac.uk/wiki/DPM_Dual_Homing for GridFTP. This is not required for RFIO but may improve robustness. 0. Usual review of actions (see below) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTIONS 160 21/11/2006 Follow up with Brian & Frederic re Atlas T1->T2 xfer/tests Jens Open Ongoing. Waiting for CASTOR resources for Atlas to become ready. 163 06/12/2006 Volunteer storage advice expert panel to assist sites purchasing Greig/Jens Open Currently this panel is Graeme and Greig - since they have recently gone through purchases. Next time it may be Duncan. Tier 1 can perhaps also help. Disk expert is Nick White. --- no new actions this week. ------------------------------------------------------------------------