15:49:26 From Aurelijus Rinkevicius : Are strata mutually independent? It was not obvious. 15:50:53 From Miguel Cardenas : GP-based data aumentation is based in a) built a GP model and b) later to sample it? 15:52:27 From Aurelijus Rinkevicius : OK, thank you. 15:52:30 From Christian Kragh Jespersen : Could you please talk a bit about how you augment the sparse data area? 15:53:53 From Miguel Cardenas : ok. Thank you. 15:55:36 From Marc Chaumont : If I understand well (?) the classification is done by 1) select the good strate classifier (how?) ? 2) then use the classifier associated to the strate ? 15:56:31 From Nima Sedaghat : If one wants to summarize the method in a non-technical way, would this be right to say that: the idea is to partition the training set and only use those partitions that are appropriate given the test set? 15:58:59 From Marc Chaumont : Ok ! 15:59:01 From Marc Chaumont : Thanks 15:59:01 From sergey : Do you end up with multiple models trained on each strata separately? 15:59:51 From Nima Sedaghat : Thanks 15:59:58 From Dmitry Golubkov : how is the optimal number of strata chosen? 16:00:11 From Tom Junk : What happens if the problem is a bias in the sampling of the labels in the training set and not a bias that depends only on features? 16:00:31 From Samuel Centeno : But there is still a coefficient of error built into each stratum! 16:00:33 From sergey : OK thanks! 16:01:19 From Marc Chaumont : The weighs between the the strates predictors are fixed (learned) ? or do they depends on Redshift or another adaptation parameters (related to the input) ? 16:01:27 From Dmitry Golubkov : thanks, so the number of strat is another hypoerparameter to be cross-validated? 16:05:12 From Dmitry Golubkov : i see, thanks! 16:05:22 From Marc Chaumont : What is the feature space (what are the features) ? 16:05:34 From Miguel Cardenas : Have you evaluated the robustness of the approach by alterning (a little bit by the input data, some small noisy is enough)? 16:06:41 From Marc Chaumont : Ok -> raw features + eventually hand craft features. 16:06:45 From Marc Chaumont : Thanks. 16:07:39 From Miguel Cardenas : Thanks 16:08:01 From Shahbaz Ahmed Alvi : Thank you for the great talk and also the people for asking great questions. 16:08:09 From Miguel Cardenas : Great Talk 16:08:12 From Marc Chaumont : Thanks 16:08:16 From Samuel Centeno : Thanks 16:08:17 From Frédéric Comby : thanks 16:08:20 From Dmitry Golubkov : thanks