5:00 AM
mPSD data monitoring at mCBM experiment
Nikolay Karpushkin
(Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))
5:12 AM
ATLAS LAr Calorimeter Commissioning for LHC Run-3
Etienne Marie Fortin
(Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS/IN2P3, CPPM, Marseille, France)
5:12 AM
Development of new high speed data acquisition system prototype for SOI pixel detector using 10 Gb Ethernet SiTCP
Ryutaro Nishimura
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
5:12 AM
Machine Learning for Real-Time Processing of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Signals with FPGAs
Nick Fritzsche
(Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE))
5:12 AM
FELIX: commissioning the new detector interface for the ATLAS trigger and DAQ system
Hao Xu
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
5:12 AM
Design of a resilient, high-throughput, persistent storage system for the ATLAS Phase-II DAQ system
Adam Abed Abud
(University of Liverpool (GB))
5:12 AM
Upgrade of the ATLAS Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger System for LHC Run-3
Yoshiaki Tsujikawa
(Kyoto University (JP))
5:12 AM
Upgrade of the ATLAS Level-0 Endcap Muon Trigger for HL-LHC
Ren Kobayashi
(Kyoto University (JP))
5:12 AM
Performance and Integration results of a high resolution Time to Digital Converter designed for INO ICAL Experiment
Yuvaraj Elangovan
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
5:12 AM
Firmware development for trigger-less mPSD readout at mCBM experiment at GSI
Dmitry Finogeev
(Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))
5:12 AM
The Event Timing Finder for the Central Drift Chamber Level-1 Trigger at the Belle II experiment
Yuki Sue
(Nagoya University)
5:12 AM
The ATLAS Level-1 Topological Processor: experience and upgrade plans
Anil Sonay
(The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) (ES))
5:12 AM
The Particle Flow Algorithm in the Phase II Upgrade of the CMS Level-1 Trigger.
Sang Eon Park
(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
5:12 AM
Level 1 muon triggers algorithms for the CMS upgrade at the HL-LHC
Carlos Francisco Erice Cid
(Universidad de Oviedo (ES))
5:12 AM
CMS Hadron Calorimeter Pulse Filter for Pileup Mitigation at the Level-1 Trigger
Joshua Hiltbrand
(University of Minnesota (US))
5:12 AM
Application and further improvement of the RD51 general Scalable Readout System with the VMM chip
Michael Lupberger
(University of Bonn (DE))
5:12 AM
ATLAS toward the High Luminosity era: challenges on electronic systems
Julia Lynne Gonski
(Columbia University (US))
5:12 AM
System-level performance study and commissioning of TGC frontend electronics for Phase-2 upgrade of LHC-ATLAS
Aoto Tanaka
(University of Tokyo (JP))
5:12 AM
The upgraded electronics of the Pierre Auger surface detector
Fabio Convenga
(INFN, Pierre Auger Collaboration)
5:12 AM
Electronics Performance of the ATLAS New Small Wheel Micromegas wedges at CERN
Maria Perganti
(National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR))
5:12 AM
A muon tracking algorithm for the Level 1 trigger in the CMS barrel muon chambers during HL-LHC
Jose Manuel Cela Ruiz
(Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno)
5:12 AM
Development of FPGA based 128-Channel TDC for Time Projection Chambers
Jim John
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, INDIA & Homi Bhabha National Institute, INDIA)
5:12 AM
The HL-LHC Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter
Samuel Silverstein
(Stockholm University (SE))
5:12 AM
A new data transfer scheme for HL-LHC upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter
Antonio Cervello Duato
(Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))
5:12 AM
The DAQ and control system for Jadepix3
Sheng Dong
(Central China Normal University)
5:12 AM
The Monitoring of Pixel System (MOPS) chip for the Detector Control System of the ATLAS ITk Pixel Detector
Rizwan Ahmad
(Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))
5:12 AM
The Opto-electrical conversion system for the data transmission chain of the ATLAS ITk Pixel detector upgrade for the HL-LHC
Laura Franconi
(Universitaet Bern (CH))
5:12 AM
Development of the Level-1 trigger system in Bellell experiment
Taichiro Koga
5:12 AM
Monitoring System of the ATLAS ITk Laboratory
Martin Sykora
(Charles University (CZ))
5:12 AM
CALICE SiW ECAL Development and performance of a highly compact digital readout system
Jihane Maalmi
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
5:12 AM
CMS RPC Link System upgrade
Behzad Boghrati
(Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IR))
5:12 AM
PMT Base with Integrated Waveform Capture for IceCube-Gen2
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
5:12 AM
ECAL trigger performance in Run 2 and improvements for Run 3
Abraham Tishelman Charny
(Northeastern University (US))