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6–11 Jun 2021
Underline Conference System
America/Toronto timezone
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(I) The winding road from a degree in physics to the development of leading-edge optical sensors

8 Jun 2021, 14:30
Underline Conference System

Underline Conference System

Invited Speaker / Conférencier(ère) invité(e) Symposia Day (Prof.Affairs) - A Symposium for Private Sector Physics TS-5 Private Sector Physics Symposium (Prof.Affairs/DAPI) / Symposium sur la physique dans l'entreprise privée (affaires prof./DPAI)


Denis Dufour (INO)


This talk aims to give an example of how a degree in physics can lead to an interesting industrial career in optical sensor development. A broad understanding of different physical laws and behaviors (mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetics, optics), combined with a practical grounding in electronics, programming and machining, provides an ideal skill set for developing optical instruments where complex interactions between different sub-systems must be understood and anticipated. I will describe how my university physics degrees led to a varied and interesting career developing satellite instruments for ozone monitoring and wildfire measurement, thermal and terahertz imaging cameras, magnetic tools for pipeline inspection and a laser-based instrument for disease diagnosis in exhaled breath. Along the way I will give a brief introduction to the inner workings of these various sensors.

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