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6–11 Jun 2021
Underline Conference System
America/Toronto timezone
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(G*) Multiplexed Single-Photon Source Based on Multiple Quantum Dots Embedded within a Single Nanowire

8 Jun 2021, 17:21
Underline Conference System

Underline Conference System

Oral Competition (Graduate Student) / Compétition orale (Étudiant(e) du 2e ou 3e cycle) Symposium Day (NRC) - Physics for the next generation of sensors and metrology (NRC) TS-7 Sensors and Metrology Symposium (NRC) / Symposium sur les capteurs et la métrologie (CNRC)


Mr Patrick Laferrière (University of Ottawa)


Non-classical light sources are an important tool for many quantum information processing applications such as quantum key distribution and linear optical quantum computing. Sources based on semiconductor quantum dots offer close to ideal performance in terms of efficiency and single photon purity. However, emission rates are limited by the radiative lifetime of the excitonic complexes. This limitation can be overcome by multiplexing independent quantum dot emitters. Here we propose an approach to deterministically integrate multiple single photon emitters within a single photonic structure based on bottom-up grown nanowires. We use selective-area vapour-liquid-solid epitaxy to incorporate five energy tuned quantum dots in a single nanowire photonic waveguide, all of which are all optimally coupled to the same optical mode. Each dot acts as an independent source of high purity single photons and the total emission rate is found to scale linearly with the number of embedded emitters. This result is an important step towards producing wavelength multiplexed single photon sources where the emission rate is limited by the number of incorporated emitters.

Primary author

Mr Patrick Laferrière (University of Ottawa)


Ms Edith Yeung (University of Ottawa) Lambert GINER Dr Sofiane Haffouz (National Research Council of Canada) Dr Jean Lapointe (National Research Council of Canada) Dr Geof Aers (National Research Council of Canada) Dr Phlip J. Poole (National Reseach Council of Canada) Dr Robin L. Williams (National Research Council of Canada) Dr Dan Dalacu (National Research Council of Canada)

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