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6–11 Jun 2021
Underline Conference System
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(G*) POS-G61 -- $\mu$SR study of superconducting Re-B compounds

9 Jun 2021, 13:53
Underline Conference System

Underline Conference System

Poster Competition (Graduate Student) / Compétition affiches (Étudiant(e) 2e ou 3e cycle) Magnetic North/Magnétisme Nord W-POS-G #57-74 Poster session (Mag.North) / Session d'affiches (Nord mag.)


Sudarshan Sharma (McMaster University)


The discovery of time-reversal symmetry(TRS) breaking in elemental Re has ignited fresh interest in the Re based superconductors. The recent studies show that role of Re concentration and crystal symmetry is crucial in understanding the unconventional superconductivity of these compounds. Therefore, we studied two Re-based superconductors Re$_3$B (<var>TC</var> = 5.19 K) and Re$_7$B$_3$ (<var>TC</var> = 3.2 K) having a centrosymmetric and non-centrosymmetric crystal structure, respectively. In this talk, we will present a comprehensive study on superconducting properties of Re$_7$B$_3$ and Re$_3$B through specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, resistivity, and transverse and zero-field muon rotation/relaxation ($\mu$SR) experiments. This will include the temperature dependence of penetration depth using transverse-field $\mu$SR measurements, which will be used to determine the symmetry of the superconducting gap. To further explore these materials, we performed the zero-field $\mu$SR measurements, which show the evidence for TRS preserving superconducting state for both materials in the limits of our measurements.

Primary author

Sudarshan Sharma (McMaster University)


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