15–18 Mar 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Next-to-leading-power factorization in QED: a diagrammatic approach

18 Mar 2021, 11:50
Online Conference (Zoom)

Online Conference


PD1: Theoretical Developments PD1: Theoretical Developments


Lorenzo Zoppi (DESY)


Applications of Quantum Chromodynamics to collider phenomenology largely rely on factorization, the separation of universal low-energy dynamics from perturbative high-energy physics. Factorization of cross sections was originally established at the leading power in an expansion in the ratio of these energies, but in view of precision physics subleading terms become relevant. I will present some recent work on subleading power factorization in the simpler case of QED amplitudes and its connnection with alternative approaches.

Time Zone Europe/Africa/Middle East

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