15–18 Mar 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Study on SiPM readout method and simulation for scintillator-based electromagnetic calorimeter

18 Mar 2021, 09:40
Online Conference (Zoom)

Online Conference


PD6: Calorimeters PD6: Calorimeters


Ryunosuke Masuda (University of Tokyo)


The scintillator-based electromagnetic calorimeter (ScECAL) is one of the technology options for ECAL at future electron-positron colliders. The performance of double-sided SiPM redout method on scintillator strip and strip-SiPM misalignment effect have been studied in lab test. The performance of the calorimeter with a realistic design of the scintillator strip including the measured performance of the strip is under study using the ILD model simulation. The preliminary results from the studies will be reported.

Time Zone Asia/Pacific

Primary author

Ryunosuke Masuda (University of Tokyo)


Naoki Tsuji (University of Tokyo) Wataru Ootani (ICEPP) Toshinori Mori (ICEPP) Daniel Jeans (IPNS) Linghui Liu (University of Tokyo)

Presentation materials