=================================== GridPP Technical Meeting 2013-11-22 =================================== Present: David Colling, Simon Fayer, Raja Nandakumar, Wahid Bhimji, Robert Frank, Andrew McNab, Adam Huffman, Andrew Lahiff, Duncan Rand 1. CMS - Andrew Lahiff ---------------------- - HLT: testing the ramp up of running jobs - been taking 1 1/2 hours to reach couple of thousand jobs - testing ongoing - Setup CMS Evolution tenant at CERN Private cloud - Andrew L. now running CMS jobs on GridPP cloud - Adam will test job suspension 2. LHCb - Andrew McNab ---------------------- - another iteration of contextualization - more updates to Vac; not ready for sites to try out yet - Mario working on GridPP cloud again 3. GridPP cloud - Adam ---------------------- - no changes 4. Storage - Wahid ------------------ - mostly discussing hardware recently - enabling webdav for Rucio sites, for ATLAS - David: is there hierarchical access for WebDAV? (redirectors) - Wahid: not yet; being worked on elsewhere; for ATLAS, intention that there will be some way of handling this in Rucio - Simon's prototype redirector - mention this to Oliver Keeble 5. AOB ------ - hardware arrangement with Dell - cloud meeting at Francis Crick Institute next week - cloud pre-GDB coming up in January - Tony Wildish's testbeds on demand - David will ask him to speak at the next meeting