18–23 Sept 2011
Città del Mare, Terrasini - Palermo - Sicily - Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
3rd International Nuclear Chemistry Congress - 3rd-INCC

Highlights of the 2010 Topical Meeting on Isotopes for Medicine and Industry

20 Sept 2011, 11:40
Paladini (Città del Mare, Terrasini - Palermo - Sicily - Italy)


Città del Mare, Terrasini - Palermo - Sicily - Italy

oral presentation Radiopharmaceuticals Chemistry Session 7


Dr Rolf Zeisler (NIST)


The 2010 Topical Meeting on Isotopes for Medicine and Industry, the second in a new series of embedded topical meeting of the American Nuclear Society (ANS), was held at the Society’s Winter Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, November 7 – 11, 2010. The meeting series reflects the continuing growth of radioisotopes for both medical and industrial applications and the rapidly expanding research at this forefront of nuclear science. As the recent global crisis in the supply of molybdenum-99 has generated public attention to the nuclear science, research and developments on alternate routes to supplement or replace current sources has intensified. Program goals in the USA have targeted 2013 for the establishment of a national supply chain. One day of the meeting focused on reactor-and accelerator-based production of molybdenum-99. This was followed by presentations on the development and production of other isotopes for medical research, diagnostics, and therapeutics. New research involving accelerator- cyclotron-produced isotopes was highlighted in the sessions; the broad activities involving alpha emitters were detailed. Contributions illustrated how the injection of new money and resources into isotope production research had already invigorated the field, excitingly demonstrated with the production of heavy elements from californium-252 over berkelium-249 to the creation of element 117. A panel discussion again pointed out recent success, but also remaining critical gaps, in the development and rejuvenation of academia and work force in this field.

Primary author

Dr Rolf Zeisler (NIST)


Dr Mauro Bonardi (Università degli Studi di Milano)

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