8–12 Sept 2014
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone

Scientific Programme

WG1: Precise determinations of Vud and Vus, semileptonic/leptonic D decays and determinations of Vcs and Vcd
conveners: Stefan Baeßler (Univ. of Virginia), Anze Zupanc (Jozef Stefan Institute Ljubljana), Elvira Gamiz (Univ. of Granada)

WG2: Determinations of Vub, Vcb through semileptonic B decays, semileptonic/leptonic B decays with τ
conveners: Alexei Sibidanov (Univ. of Sydney), Michele Della Morte (Univ. of Southern Denmark), Damir Becirevic (Paris-Sud Univ.)

WG3: Rare B, D, and K decays (including radiative decays, electroweak penguin decays, B(s)→ll, constraints on Vtd/Vts)
conveners: Akimasa Ishikawa (Tohoku Univ.), Tom Blake (Univ. of Warwick), David Straub (TU Munich)

WG4: Mixing and mixing-related CP violation in the B system (ΔM, ΔΓ, φ from Bs, φ1/β, φ2/α, φ3/γ)
conveners: Yasmine Amhis (Paris-Sud Univ.), Tagir Aushev (ITEP Moscow), Martin Jung (TU Dortmund)

WG5: Direct CP violation (including φ3/γ from B→DK, DCPV effects in charmless hadronic B(s) decays)
conveners: Jim Libby (IIT Madras), Alexander Lenz (Durham Univ.)

WG6: High-energy flavour physics (single top and top pair production; forward-backward and charge asymmetries; constraints on FCNC, searches for CPV; direct measurements of Vtd, Vts, Vtb, Higgs flavour changing processes)
conveners: Markus Cristinziani (Bonn Univ.), Jure Zupan (Univ. of Cincinnati)

WG7: Mixing and CP violation in the D system (x, y, |q/p|, φ, x12, y12, φ12, DCPV in D decays)
conveners: Jolanta Brodzicka (Univ. of Manchester), Jernej Kamenik (Jozef Stefan Institute Ljubljana)